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"Imagining the Past, Remembering the Future"

Newport, Rhode Island -- June 21 - 25, 2000

The Sixth Edith Wharton Society Conference

Co-Sponsored by Salve Regina University, Newport, Rhode Island

Carole Shaffer-Koros, Sharon Shaloo, Annette Zilversmit, Conference Directors

Land's End, Wharton's Newport residence from 1893 to 1903, as it appeared in the 1880s. (Courtesy of Newport Historical Society.)
Over 100 scholars from North America, Europe, and Asia will gather in Newport at midsummer to present papers on topics ranging from the New Woman at the Fin de Siécle and Wharton's debate with Modernism to turn-of-the-century science and technology, Book Culture, the literary marketplace, and "The Other Newport." They will also consider anew some of Wharton's most important novels, stories, and works of nonfiction, from The House of Mirth and The Age of Innocence to A Son at the Front and Old New York. Eleanor Dwight and Shari Benstock, two of Wharton's most recent biographers, will deliver keynote addresses.

The conference will be housed in period buildings on the campus of Salve Regina University, with supplemental rooms available in local hotels and B & Bs. Participants may take advantage of Preservation Society tours of the nearby Bellevue Avenue mansions and of Historical Society walking tours of the Cliff Walk and the Newport of Wharton's youth. Dramatic readings, performances of period music, and films are scheduled in the evenings.

For information and registration forms, contact Dr. Carole Shaffer-Koros,

Director, MA in Liberal Studies, Kean University, Union, NJ, 07083. Fax: (908) 289-1067. Email:ckoros@home.com. Please include your postal address and telephone number.