In this experiment you will first confirm the emission of the two annihilation radiations in time-coincidence. Then, you will measure the angular correlation of the radiations and verify that the gammas are emitted quite precisely in opposite directions, within the precision of measurement methods used. In an advanced experiment with much greater angular resolution, one can observe a slight degree of non-collinearity from which one can determine the Fermi energy of condcution electrons in copper or aluminum.
Equipment: Time coincidence spectrometer consisting of two movable scintillation detectors, a coincidence circuit, and a scaler; collimating lead bricks; 22Na source.
Readings: Positron annihilation (refer to an introductory text); time-coincidence techniques (general), sect. 9.1, 9.2; angular correlations, sect. 9.3.1, 9.3.2, 9.3.3.
Key concepts: Annihilation process, angular correlation, resolving time, true and accidental coincidences.
10.1 Predicting the width of the angular distribution of annihilation radiation (do prior to measurement)
Positrons are emitted during decay of 22Na nuclei in a continuous beta spectrum that has an end-point energy of 0.542 MeV. After injection in a solid and thermization, they usually avoid ion cores of atoms in the solid due to coulomb repulsion and annihilate with conduction electrons (metals) or weakly-bound valence electrons (insulators).
In this experiment you will measure the angular correlation in two-photon decay. To prepare for the measurements, you should estimate the expected width of the angular distribution. First, estimate the avarage energy for a conduction electron in a metal using a simple model such as that of a box containing free, noninteracting fermions. Second, estimate the average energy of the positron at the time of annihilation in the two limiting cases:
10.2 Accidental coincidences and the resolving time
In Section 3 below, you will monitor time-coincidences of annihilation radiation by detecting them in two detectors. In addition to "true" coincidences between the two gamma-rays emitted in a single annihilation event, there will be "accidental" coincidences which arise when emissions fromdifferent annihilation events are detected. A coincidence (true or accidental) is registered when radiations are detected in the two detectors within an experimental resolving time Tres. The resolving time depends on the design of the electronic coincidence circuit and signal pulse widths. In chapter 9 (cf. eq. 2.1 and text) it is shown that the accidental coincidence counting rate Racc is given in terms of the "singles" counting rates Ri in detectors 1 and 2 and the resolving time Tres by Racc= R1R2Tres. Once one knows the value of Tres, one can calculate the accidental counting rate from the singles counting rates and then subtract Racc from the total rate Rtot to obtain the true coincidence rate Rtrue: Rtrue= Rtot- Racc.
To measure Tres place sources near each detector which emit no time-coincident radiations, such as 137Cs, and shield detectors to avoid counter-to-counter scattering. In this way only accidental coincidences should be detected. Make sets of measurements of Racc, R1 and R2 by varying the source-detector distances. Plot Racc versus the product R1R2 and determine Tres from the slope.
(Note that the "singles" counting rates in each detector can be measured by connecting the output of the detector to both inputs of the coincidence circuit.)
Set up two NaI scintillation detectors on the optical bench on opposite sides of the positron source and collimate the angles to obtain an angular resolution of a few degrees. Rotate one detector about the source and determine the coincidence and singles counting rates as a function of detector-detector angle. Make lots of measurements near 180o. Obtain sufficient statistics to determine the width and shape of the angular distribution. Determine the accidental coincidence counting rate at each angle and subtract it from the total coincidence rate to obtain the true coincidence counting rate. This curve represents the angular correlation of annihilation radiation and is your principal experimental result.
Interpret the observed shape and width in terms of the angular resolution
function which you would expect for your geometry. Is the experimental
distribution function consistent with the radiations being emitted at angles
of precisely 180o? Or is the experimental distribution broader
than the angular resolution function, and by how much? Estimate an upper
limit for the maximum momentum of annihilating e+e-
Questions and Considerations
a. What effect should unequal width collimating slits have on the shape and width of the angular resolution function?
b. The source is not necessarily a point source. What effects might this have on the measurements?
c. Only low resolution measurements were made in this experiment. If
the precedure in part 3 is repeated at much higher angular resolution using
prediction from part 1, one can measure the distribution of momenta of
annihilating e+e- pair.
Copyright 1997-2002 Gary S. Collins.