Instructor's Interactive Archives Tools

(After making a change, be sure to reload your Interactive Archives page)

Click on this Help icon to view detailed instructions for completing the form on this page.
Delete an Entry
Enter the title of the entry you wish to delete:

Enter the full name of the library area where this entry is stored:

Enter your password:

Add a Library
Enter the full name of the library you wish to add:

Enter your password:

Delete an Instructor's Name
Enter the full name of the instructor you wish to delete:

Enter your password:

Add an Instructor's Name
Enter the full name of the instructor you wish to add:

Enter your password:

Close a Library
Enter the full name of the library you wish to close:

Enter your password:

Permanently Shut Down Interactive Archives
If you would like to permanently shut down the Interactive Archives to future posting, please type "SHuTDoWN" with all consonants upper-cased and all vowels lower-cased:

Enter your password:

Instructor's Tools Log