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W-S-U News Bureau
Check the News Bureau Web site ( for current releases. Print out the full version of each of the current releases for the day and place each in the folder.

For more information about each release, contact the individual listed at the top of the article. Record your notes and place in the folder. It is always a good idea to write a short 35-45 second reader story to use in your newscast.

If you have specific questions, you may contact the News Bureau directly by stopping by French Administration 442, or by calling James Tinney at 335-8055.

Other sources of university news include WSU Today magazine, and W-S-U Agricultural news from the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

U of I News Bureau
University of Idaho's Today@Idaho Web site provides updated news releases that you can use as the starting point of a story.

Idaho also has a news bureau in the Ag College called Resources for Idaho.




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Edward R. Murrow School of Communication, 226 Murrow Hall, PO Box 64250, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, 99164-0000 USA