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Lee W. Patterson, "Chaucerian Confession: Penitential Literature and the Pardoner."

Lee W. Patterson, "Chaucerian Confession: Penitential Literature and the Pardoner." Medievalia et Humanistica new series 7 (1976): 153-73.

by Erik Powell
Web posted at 3:08 PM on 4/18/96 from hrc-7.engl.wsu.edu.
In this article, Patterson discusses the Pardoner and his confession in light of medieval penitential literature--namely, penitential lyrics such as "The Regret of Maximian" and "Old Man's Prayer," as well as the confession of the Sins in William Langland's *Piers Plowman*.

I. Penitential Lyric: self-confrontation--> CONTRITION --> despair --> confession -->(hopefully) --> absolution / restoration. II. Piers Plowman: sins as external deeds; represented allegorically. III. Pardoner
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