The Western Journal of Black Studies



• What is the difference between an individual and an institution?

An individual is any person wishing to subscribe to the journal for his or her own personal use. An institutuion is considered any organization, which allows access to the journal to more than one person.

• What is the difference between a retail and an agency subscription?

Retail subscriptions are for those individuals or institutions that order subscriptions directly through The Western Journal of Black Studies. Retail subscriptions are most common with individual subscribers. Agency subscriptions are for those individuals or institutions that choose to work with a "middleman" or more commonly called an agency (i.e. EBSCO Subscriptions Services, SWETS Subscriptions Services, etc.). Institutions most commonly use an agency to handle all of their periodical suscriptions.

• What is considered a foreign subscription?

Any subscriber who's shipping location is outside the 50 states that comprise the United States of America.

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The WJBS site is maintained by Nick Manuel. Please feel free to e-mail comments, queries, and suggestions.