English 402: Technical and Professional Writing
     Instructor: Bryan Fry
     Office: Avery 371
     Office Hours: 12:00-1:00 pm

     Job/School Application Prep

        1) Group Activity:

        a) Discuss all three jobs ads and decide which job is the best to apply for
        b) With your partner, complete an oral ad analysis for your chosen job ad; use OWL and fully discuss the ad

        1) Individual Activity:

        a) Research your company and print off any useful information (mission statements, employee bios, etc)
        b) write at least two informal paragraphs explaining 
what you have found out about the company you are applying to
        c) write at least two informal paragraphs explaining why you are qualified for this job

    For graduate/professional school application complete the following (if you are preparing documents for application to graduate 
    school, you will write a personal statement rather than an application letter):

        1) Group Activity:

        a) Discuss all three applications and decide which school is the best to apply for
        b) With your partner, analyze your graduate school application requirements; use owl and fully discuss the application information

        2) Individual Activity:

        a) Research your school and print of any useful information (mission statements, professor bios, etc.)
write at least two paragraphs explaining what you've found out about the school
write two informal paragraphs explaining why you are qualified for this graduate school

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