WHARTON-L Archives for April 1999
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 21:26:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: Grace Lee <graceylca@earthlink.net>
To: wharton-l@gonzaga.edu
Subject: re: question
To Whom It May Concern,
Donna Campbell of the Edith Wharton Society mentioned I may be able
to ask
you for assistance in locating an audio recording of Edith Wharton
her texts. I am giving a presentation on Edith Wharton to members
of the
Claremont Colleges. Do you have such recordings in your possession?
Or, do
you know where I may be able to locate it? My presentation, unfortunately,
is on April 20th; given a late invitation to speak, I wasn't able to
you earlier. I am looking to play perhaps a 30 second to one
minute clip of
the recording. I do plan to mention the Edith Wharton Society
Thank you for your time and attention to this belated request.
Grace Lee
Ph.D. student
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 10:25:39 -0700 (PDT)
The list below represents the revised version of the bibliography of
recommended by Wharton Society and Wharton-L members. Many thanks to
who sent in corrections and additions.
This list can be updated quickly, so if you have further suggestions,
if you would like to recommend works
on particular novels, please don't hesitate to send them in.
The URL for the page is
and it will be permanently linked to the Bibliography page.
Again, thanks very much for all your help.
Donna Campbell
For readers new to Wharton:
Basic Wharton Fiction
The House of Mirth
The Age of Innocence
Ethan Frome
Collection of Ghost Tales
Next Level Fiction
The Reef
The Mother's Recompense
Hudson River Bracketed
The Gods Arrive
Any collection of short stories and her autobiography,
A Backward
Secondary Sources
Ammons, Elizabeth. Edith Wharton's Argument with America. Athens:
University of Georgia Press, 1980.
Bauer, Dale M. Edith Wharton's Brave New Politics. Madison: University
Wisconsin Press, 1994.
Bell, Millicent, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Edith Wharton.
New York:
Cambridge UP, 1995. Ten original essays , some on individual novels,
on issues like race throughout Wharton's work . Most written by older
newer good scholars.
Bell, Millicent. Edith Wharton and Henry James: A Story of their
Friendship. New York: Peter Olsen, 1965.
Bendixen, Alfred and Annette Zilversmit, eds.Edith Wharton: New Critical
Essays. New York: Garland, 1992. Eighteen essays, including some reprints,
and outstanding new essays, most original for the book; each
essay covers a
different novel.
Benstock, Shari. Edith Wharton: The House of Mirth. Complete,
Authoritative Text with Biographical and Historical Contexts,
History, and Essays from Five Contemporary Critical. Perspectives.
New York:
Martin's, 1993. Extremely useful for undergraduates. In addition
to the
text of the novel, this edition includes discussions of a variety of
critical approaches and representative essays for each.
Benstock, Shari. No Gifts From Chance: A Biography of Edith Wharton.
York: Scribner's, 1994. Deserves very high praise, particularly for
work in documenting published and unpublished sources.
Bloom, Harold, ed. Edith Wharton: New Essays in Criticism. New York:
Chelsea House, 1986.
Craig, Theresa. Edith Wharton, A House Full of Rooms: Architecture,
Interiors and Gardens. New York: Monacelli P, 1996.
Dwight, Eleanor. Edith Wharton, An Extraordinary Life: An Illustrated
Biography. Informative, loving, and exuberantly written, especially
Wharton's extracurricular activities such as gardening, travel, and
Goodwyn, Janet. Edith Wharton: Traveller in the Land of Letters. New
St. Martins, 1990.
Howe, Irving ed. Edith Wharton. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1962.
Lauer, Kristin, and Margaret Murray, eds. Edith Wharton: A Bibliography.
New York: Garland, 1989.
Lauer, Kristin, and James Tuttleton, eds. Edith Wharton: The Contemporary
Reviews. New York: Garland, 1992.
Lewis, R.W.B., and Nancy Lewis, eds. The Letters of Edith Wharton. New
York: Scribners, 1989.
Lewis, R.W.B.Edith Wharton: A Biography. New York: Harper & Row,
Still the basically wonderfully researched and elegantly written
Marshall, Scott, et al. The Mount: Home of Edith Wharton. Lenox,
Edith Wharton Restoration, 1997.
McDowell, Margaret. Edith Wharton. Boston: Twayne, 1972. Also
second edition, 1991.
Price, Alan, and Katherine Joslin, eds. Wretched Exotic: Essays on Edith
Wharton in Europe. New York: Peter Lang, 1993.
Price, Alan. The End of the Age of Innocence: Edith Wharton and the
World War. New York: St. Martin's, 1996.
Singley, Carol J. Edith Wharton : Matters of Mind and Spirit. Cambridge
studies in American literature and culture, 92. Cambridge and New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1995. An indispensable source.
Tuttleton, James. The Novel of Manners in America. Chapel
Hill: U of
North Carolina P, 1972.
Vita-Finzi, Penelope. Edith Wharton and the Art of Fiction. London:
Printer Publishers, 1990.
Wegner, Frederick, ed. Edith Wharton: The Uncollected Critical Writings.
Princeton, N. J.: Princeton UP, 1996.
White, Barbara A. Edith Wharton: A Study of the Short Fiction. Boston:
Twayne, 1991.
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 13:48:24 -0700 (PDT)
Call for Papers: EDITH WHARTON AT NEWPORT: 2000. The sixth Edith
Society conference will convene in Newport, Rhode Island, June 21st
- 25th,
2000. The conference will be housed in period buildings in the
heart of
the Bellevue Avenue district, and participants will be offered Preservation
and Historical Society tours of Gilded-Age and early Newport.
Directors: Carole Shaffer-Koros, Sharon Shaloo, and Annette Zilversmit.
Co-sponsored by Salve Regina University.
Papers on any subject of interest to Wharton scholars are welcome,
especially those considering Edith Wharton as a fin-de-siècle
writer, the
importance of Newport in the Wharton oeuvre, and Wharton studies in
the new
millennium. Proposals (1-2 pages) by November 15, 1999, to Dr. Carole
Shaffer-Koros, Director, MA in Liberal Studies, Kean University, Union,
07083. Fax: (908) 289-1067. Email submissions (no
attachments, please) to
ckoros@turbo.kean.edu. Please include postal address and telephone
on all submissions.
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This page last modified on 25 July 1999. Please send comments and suggestions to D. Campbell.