English 305
Pullman: Section 02 [H] -- Vancouver: Section 01 [H]
Fall 2003
Pullman: SLN 28860 -- Vancouver: SLN 75374
TTh 1:25 - 2:40
Pullman: Murrow West 54 -- Vancouver: Some room.
Dr. Michael Delahoyde
Avery Hall 355 -- Washington State University
Hours: TTh 9:00-11:00, and by appointment.
Phone: 509-335-4832
E-mail: delahoyd@wsu.edu
[We will be reading the plays listed above and others selected by
the class.
The order in which we cover these will depend on the
additional selections.]
August 26 -- Introductions & Images.
August 28 -- Background; Hamlet, Act I.September 2 -- Hamlet, Acts II & III.
September 4 -- Hamlet, Acts III & IV.September 9 -- Hamlet, Act V.
September 11 -- The Authorship Question: Snazzy PowerPoint Presentation.September 16 -- Othello, Act I.
September 18 -- Othello, Acts II & III.September 23 -- Othello, Acts III & IV.
September 25 -- Othello, Act V; Project #1 Due.September 30 -- Exam #1.
October 2 -- Twelfth Night, Act I.October 7 -- Twelfth Night, Acts II & III.
October 9 -- ConferenceOctober 14 -- Twelfth Night, Acts IV & V.
October 16 -- The Winter's Tale, Act I.October 21 -- The Winter's Tale, Acts II & III.
October 23 -- The Winter's Tale, Act IV & V.October 28 -- Lucrece.
October 30 -- Exam #2.November 4 -- Antony and Cleopatra.
November 6 -- Antony and Cleopatra.November 11 -- War Celebration -- No Class Whatsoever.
November 13 -- Antony and Cleopatra.November 18 -- Antony and Cleopatra.
November 20 -- Shakespeare Games.November 24 - 28 -- Thanksgiving Holiday.
December 2 -- Macbeth; Project #2 Due.
December 4 -- Macbeth.December 9 -- Macbeth.
December 11 -- Final Shakespeararama 2003.Whenever -- Exam #3.