English 306
Section 1 [H]
Spring 2003
SLN 27136
TTh 10:35 - 11:50
Sloan 9
Dr. Michael Delahoyde
Avery Hall 355 -- Washington State University
Hours: TTh 8:30 - 10:10, and by appointment.
Phone: 509-335-4832
E-mail: delahoyd@wsu.edu
[We will often be reading plays selected by the class.
The syllabus
below is therefore only a rough outline of the semester.]
January 14 -- Introductions and Visual Oddities.
January 16 -- Background; Hamlet, Act I.January 21 -- Hamlet, Acts II & III.
January 23 -- Hamlet, Act IV.January 28 -- Hamlet, Act V.
January 30 -- The Authorship Question: Snazzy PowerPoint Presentation.February 4 -- Macbeth.
February 6 -- Macbeth; Writing about Shakespeare.February 11 -- Macbeth.
February 13 -- Exam #1.February 18 -- Twelfth Night; Project #1 Due.
February 20 -- Twelfth Night.February 25 -- Twelfth Night.
February 27 -- Antony and Cleopatra.March 4 -- Antony and Cleopatra.
March 6 -- Antony and Cleopatra.March 11 -- Antony and Cleopatra.
March 13 -- Exam #2.SPRING BREAK
March 25 -- Shakespeararama with Bells.
March 27 -- Othello.April 1 -- Othello.
April 3 -- Othello.April 8 -- Othello.
April 10 -- Conference.April 15 -- Project #2 Due.
April 17 -- The Tempest.April 22 -- The Tempest.
April 24 -- The Tempest.April 29 -- Last Words and Review.
May 1 -- Final Shakespeararama 2003.Whenever -- EXAM #3.