Math 443, Stat 443--Applied Probability
Spring 1997
Tu, Th 10:35-11:50 a.m.; White 322
Please note that this document has three pages.


Name: K. A. Ariyawansa
Office: Neill 225
Office hours: Tu, Th 1:30-3:00 p.m.
Telephone: 335-3152
Home page: tex2html_wrap_inline56 ari

Teaching assistant
Name: Andy Felt
Office: Neill 129
Office hours: M, F 9:10-10:00 a.m.; W 10:10-11:00 a.m.

Outline of course
The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to probability theory and some of its applications. The course provides a sound background in probability for students who plan to undertake advanced studies in probability and statistics. For the students who need to apply probability in engineering and the sciences, the course provides a working knowledge of most of the necessary introductory concepts.

We will use the textbook Introduction to Probability and Its Applications by Richard L. Schaeffer (Duxbury Press, 1994).

The specific topics to be covered are as follows.

Motivating reasons for studying probability theory.
Discrete probability distributions.
Continuous probability distributions.
Multivariate probability distributions.
Functions of random variables.
Some approximations to probability distributions: Limit theorems.

The course grades will be based on homework assignments, two midterm examinations, and a comprehensive final examination weighted as follows. Please note the following regarding the two midterm examinations and the comprehensive final examination.
Additional comments

Mon Jan 13 15:31:40 PST 1997