Math 564--Nonlinear Optimization I
Fall 2007
M, W, F 11:10 a.m.-12:00 noon; Neill 3W
Please note that this document has two pages.
- Name: K. A. Ariyawansa
- Office: Neill 225
- Office Hours: M, W, Th 1:10-2:00 p.m.
- Telephone: 335-3152
- E-mail:
- URL:
ari (includes a link to the
course web page)
Outline of course:
- The course will be on computational algorithms
for unconstrained nonlinear optimization problems. Math 565,
to be offered in Spring 2008, will build upon the material
treated in this course and cover computational algorithms
for constrained nonlinear optimization.
We will use the textbook
- Numerical Optimization
Second Edition
J. Nocedal and S. J. Wright
Springer-Verlag, 2006.
The specific topics to be covered include the following.
These are treated in Chapters 1-9 and 12, and Appendix A of the
- Introduction including some motivating applications.
- Brief review of material from analysis and linear algebra.
- Fundamentals of unconstrained optimization.
- Line search methods.
- Trust region methods.
- Conjugate gradient methods.
- Quasi Newton methods.
- Calculating derivatives.
- Derivative free optimization.
- An introduction to the theory of constrained optimization.
- The course grades will be based on homework assignments
and on a term paper
weighted as follows.
- (a)
- Homework assignments--75%
- (b)
- Term paper--25%
The term paper should be a clear and precise presentation
of independent work performed during the semester on a regular
on a project that
would be decided on an individual basis by the
student and the instructor. The following deadlines apply
for the term paper.
By September 14, 2007 a topic and the scope of the
term paper should be finalized. Term papers are
due no later than 12:00 noon, December 10, 2007 in my mailbox
in Neill 103. At regular points in time I would like
you to update me on the progress you are making
on your work for the term paper.
Since there are no examinations,
the degree of originality I expect in your
work on the preparation
of the term paper, as well as in your responses
to homework assignments would be higher than that
in a course with examinations. My grading
will reflect this.
Therefore, I would strongly encourage you to begin working
on homework assignments and the term paper early, and to see
me regarding questions and concerns
without waiting
until just before the deadlines. In particular, it probably would not
be possible to prepare a term paper of the quality that I expect
without careful planning and regular work from the beginning of the
I expect individual work both in the project leading to
the term paper, and in the preparation of solutions to
assignment problems.