This site is under construction. Please pardon my mess
This page provides information about various organizations, projects, and
initiatives in which I'm active. It also links to sites that teachers who
use--or are thinking of using--computers in teaching writing will find useful.
So following a link may lead you to a website far, far away from this one.
If you find yourself somewhere else (and you want to come back here), you can return here
by using either the Go menu or the Backbutton in your browser.
Ready? Select one of the links below to begin your quest.
- Writing the Information
- A new textbook for writing classes using computers
- A gateway to information about the implementation committee for WSU's participation in the effort to move higher education online.
- The Epiphany Project:
- A program to manage faculty change as larger numbers of faculty incorporate
computer technologies into their teaching. Includes links to:
- National Epiphany Project
- Epiphany's Western Hub at WSU
- HyperCard Stacks
- Download some HyperCard stacks that assist students as they write in
different disciplines.
- The Alliance for Computers and Writing
- Go to the website of the national organization in the field.
- My Vita Entries in this Field of Study
- An overview of my work, including references to my publications and
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