Pray For You

The Analysis

Jaron and The Long Road to Love

This song caught my attention as one that would potentially be perfect for this type of lyrical analysis. It starts off with hymnal type chords giving the song a woe is me, sort of prayer helps me get through life type of attitude. This type of melonchaly happy uplifting music sets the tone of the entire song.

In similar ways to the article we were required to read for class, (which can be found here) this song is one that would be assaulted with horrendous amounts of criticism and abuse because of its lyrical content:

I pray you're breaks go out running down a hill.

I pray a flower pot falls from a window sill and knocks you in the head like I'd like too.

These lines from the song, although just a snippet, seems to be teeming with hostile intent. Throw words onto paper such as these and they become 2 dementional leaving out the other elements such as the artist's intent and lyrical creativity. Similar to the discussions in class about the uses and effectiveness of 2D texts versus 3D texts.

We think the 3D one (left) says "FIRE" more vs. the 2D one (right).

In a similar way this song screams fire with a 2D voice while on a sheet of paper. People only see the words in the context of their own minds leaving huge openings for bias. However, once the words of the song are transformed into 3D versions, through being sung or read or projected by the author then the real meanings come out.

This song is amusing to me because of the relationship between the words and the music itself. Like the article implied neither fullfill the job well without the other.