English 357: Literary Editing and Publishing
     Instructor: Bryan Fry
     Office: Avery 371
     Office Hours: MWF 12:00-1:00 p.m.

Editor Bios Assignment
Assignment: Establish editor bios for your website and your journal. You can refer to any of the literary journals listed in NewPages for examples. Or you can view a class example here.
Bios: This is a way to introduce your editorial staff to your readers.
The length of bios varies between literary journals, but I suggest establishing your length ahead of time in order to make the bios uniform. Each editor should consider combining a narrative that is both professional and personal. The goal is to establish credibility as well as make a connection to your readers.
You should plan a time to distribute bios among the editorial group for proofing. After proofing, each editor should submit the final draft of his or her bio along with a digital self-portrait to the journal’s web editor. Make sure to discuss self-portraits to ensure these are uniform as well.

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