English 357: Literary Editing and Publishing
Instructor: Bryan Fry
Office: Avery 371
Office Hours: MWF 12:00-1:00 p.m.

Project Report Assignment
Assume the following scenario: The Washington States Arts Commission (WSAC) supports an average of 70 organizations through Project Funds. Currently, the commission is looking to boost art projects in local areas. The Project Supports Program (PSP) is in charge of distributing the money. Representatives are searching for nonprofit organizations that provide a service to the arts and the PSP guidelines indicate there is possible funding for a “literary publishing project”.
Assignment: You will write a persuasive long report that is intended to convince the PSP to sponsor your publication. In your report, you should consider the kind of information you will need to provide in order to build your ethos (credibility). You should also consider the format of your overall presentation—make it professional!
Your written report MUST contain the following sections (use visuals where appropriate): 
  • A Title Page
  • Letter of Transmittal (addressed and written for the Project Supports Program)
  • Table of Contents (TOC requires that all pages of the report are sequentially numbered)
  • An Executive Summary—a one-paragraph summary of the written report
  • The Body of the Report including the following (each body section should have a heading):
    • Introduction—the project overview, intended audience, and goals in completing the project
    • Design—approach to design and use of design resources (textbooks, websites, etc.) 
    • Marketingthe process of marketing and soliciting work
    • Submissions—approach to handling submissions
    • Website—the design and overall purpose of your website
    • Layout—the design of your journal
    • Editing—approach to editing maketing materials, website, and all major editorial documents
    • Conclusionoverview of project's artistic merit
Figuresinclude visuals throughout the body of the report; all visuals should be clearly labeled and referred to in the text of the report.

—include all marketing materials and technical documents; all appendices should be clearly labeled and placed at the end of the report.

Due Date: The Project Report is due Monday, December 12th by 5:00 p.m.

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