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Paul Laurence Dunbar: Selected Bibliography

See also the bibliography on The Sport of the Gods.

Aldrich, Abigail J. "The Hamilton Family and the Trials of Job: The Clash of Faith and Fate in Paul Lawrence Dunbar's the Sport of the Gods." CLA Journal 50.2 (2006): 219-37.

Alexander, Eleanor. Lyrics of Sunshine and Shadow: The Tragic Courtship and Marriage of Paul Laurence Dunbar and Alice Ruth Moore. NY: New York U P, 2002.

Allen, Caffilene. "The Caged Bird Sings: The Ellison-Dunbar Connection." College Language Association Journal 40.2 (1996): 178-90.

Baker, Houston A., Jr. "The 'Limitless' Freedom of Myth: Paul Lawrence Dunbar's the Sport of the Gods and the Criticism of Afro-American Literature." The American Self: Myth, Ideology, and Popular Culture. Ed. Sam B. Girgus: U of New Mexico P, Albuquerque Pagination: 124-143, 1981. x, 248.

---. "Paul Laurence Dunbar: An Evaluation." Black World 21.1 (1971): 30-37.

---. "Report on a Celebration: Dunbar's One-Hundredth Year." Black World 22.4 (1973): 81-85.

---. Singers of Daybreak: Studies in Black American Literature. Washington : Howard UP, 1974.

Barbour, James. "Nineteenth Century Black Novelists: A Checklist." Minority Voices: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Literature and the Arts 3.2 (1980): 27-43.

Bausch, Susan. "Inevitable or Remediable? The Historical Connection between Slavery, Racism, and Urban Degradation in Paul Laurence Dunbar's the Sport of the Gods." CLA Journal 45.4 (2002): 497-522.

Bearss, Linda. "Dunbar's Fiction: Transgressing the Limits of Realism to Breach the Horizon of Modernism." Midwestern Miscellany 34 (2006): 69-77.

Bender, Bert. "The Lyrical Short Fiction of Dunbar and Chesnutt." A Singer in the Dawn: Reinterpretations of Paul Laurence Dunbar. Ed. Jay Martin: Dodd, Mead, New York Pagination: 208-22, 1975. 255.

Bennett, Paula Bernat. "Rewriting Dunbar: Realism, Black Women Poets, and the Genteel." Post-Bellum, Pre-Harlem: African American Literature and Culture. Eds. Barbara McCaskill and Caroline Gebhard: New York UP, New York, NY Pagination: 146-61, 2006. xiv, 298.

Best, Felton O. "Paul Laurence Dunbar's Protest Literature: The Final Years." Western Journal of Black Studies 17.1 (1993): 54-63.

---. Crossing the Color Line: A Biography of Paul Laurence Dunbar. Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 1996.

Black, Daniel P. "Literary Subterfuge: Early African American Writing and the Trope of the Mask." CLA Journal 48.4 (2005): 387-403.

Blount, Marcellus. "Caged Birds: Race and Gender in the Sonnet." Engendering Men: The Question of Male Feminist Criticism. Eds. Joseph A. Boone and Michael Cadden: Routledge, New York Pagination: 225-238, 1990. vi, 333.

---. "The Preacherly Text: African American Poetry and Vernacular Performance." PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 107.3 (1992): 582-93.

Bontemps, Arna. "The Relevance of Paul Laurence Dunbar." A Singer in the Dawn: Reinterpretations of Paul Laurence Dunbar. Ed. Jay Martin: Dodd, Mead, New York Pagination: 45-53, 1975. 255.

Bottoms, Pam. "The Controversial, Subversive 'Broken Tongue' of Paul Lawrence Dunbar." Midwestern Miscellany 34 (2006): 6-26.

Brawley, Benjamin G. Paul Laurence Dunbar: Poet of His People. Chapel Hill, NC, 1937.

Brawley, Benjamin Griffith. The Negro in Literature and Art in the United States. New York,: Duffield & company, 1918.

Brezina, Jennifer Costello. "Public Women, Private Acts: Gender and Theater in Turn-of- the-Century American Novels." Separate Spheres No More: Gender Convergence in American Literature, 1830-1930. Ed. Monika M. Elbert. Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P, 2000. 225-42.

Briggs, Cordell Augustus. "A Study of Syntactic Variation in the Dialect Poetry of Paul Laurence Dunbar." Dissertation Abstracts International 44.1 (1983): 157A.

Butcher, Philip. "Mutual Appreciation: Dunbar and Cable." CLA Journal 1 (1958): 101-02.

Candela, Gregory Louis. "Melodramatic Form and Vision in Chesnutt's the House Behind the Cedars, Dunbar's the Sport of the Gods, and Toomer's Cane." Dissertation Abstracts International 42.11 (1982): 4826A.

Candela, Gregory L. "We Wear the Mask: Irony in Dunbar's the Sport of the Gods." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 48.1 (1976): 60-72.

Carter, Marva Griffin. "Removing the 'Minstrel Mask' in the Musicals of Will Marion Cook." Musical Quarterly 84.2 (2000): 206-20.

Cavaioli, Frank J. "Phillis Wheatley and Paul Laurence Dunbar Dicover Christopher Columbus." VIA: Voices in Italian Americana 10.1 (1999): 47-55.

Chandonia, Ronald Paul. "The New South in Black and White: Afro-American Fiction from the End of Reconstruction until the First World War." Dissertation Abstracts International 35 (1975): 4506A.

Cole, Jean Lee. "Coloring Books: The Forms of Turn-of-the-Century American Literature." Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 97.4 (2003): 461-93.

Cook, William W. "I Greet the Dawn: Poems by Paul Laurence Dunbar." New English Review 1 (1978): 241-46.

Cunningham, Virginia. Paul Dunbar and His Song. New York, NY, 1947.

De Santis, Christopher C. "The Dangerous Marrow of Southern Tradition: Charles W. Chesnutt, Paul Laurence Dunbar, and the Paternalist Ethos at the Turn of the Century." Southern Quarterly: A Journal of the Arts in the South 38.2 (2000): 79-97.

Denny, Sheena. "'the Province of the Poet': Biographical Themes in Paul Laurence Dunbar's Herrick." Midwestern Miscellany 34 (2006): 53-60.

Dickson, D. Bruce, Jr. "On Dunbar's 'Jingles in a Broken Tongue': Dunbar's Dialect Poetry and the Afro-American Folk Tradition." A Singer in the Dawn: Reinterpretations of Paul Laurence Dunbar. Ed. Jay Martin: Dodd, Mead, New York Pagination: 94-113, 1975. 255.

Elder, Arlene A. The 'Hindered Hand' : Cultural Implications of Early African-American Fiction. 39: Westport, CT : Greenwood, 1978.

Emanuel, James A. "Racial Fire in the Poetry of Paul Laurence Dunbar." A Singer in the Dawn: Reinterpretations of Paul Laurence Dunbar. Ed. Jay Martin: Dodd, Mead, New York Pagination: 75-93, 1975. 255.

Engel, Bernard F. "Paul Laurence Dunbar's Civil War Verse." Midwestern Miscellany 11 (1983): 15-18.

Eversley, Shelly Jennifer. "The Real Negro: The Question of Authenticity in Twentieth Century African-American Literature." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 59.5 (1998): 1570-71.

Fishkin, Shelley Fisher. "Race and the Politics of Memory: Mark Twain and Paul Lawrence Dunbar." Journal of American Studies 40.2 (2006): 283-.

Flint, Allen. "Black Response to Colonel Shaw." Phylon: A Review of Race and Culture 45.3 (1984): 210-19.

Flusche, Michael. "Paul Laurence Dunbar and the Burden of Race." Southern Humanities Review 11 (1977): 49-61.

Fox, Allan B. "Behind the Mask: Paul Laurence Dunbar's Poetry in Literary English." Texas Quarterly 14.2 (1971): 7-19.

Gayle, Addison, Jr. "Literature as Catharsis: The Novels of Paul Laurence Dunbar." A Singer in the Dawn: Reinterpretations of Paul Laurence Dunbar. Ed. Jay Martin: Dodd, Mead, New York Pagination: 139-51, 1975. 255.

Gayle, Addison. Oak and Ivy; a Biography of Paul Laurence Dunbar. Garden City, N.Y.,: Doubleday, 1971.

Gebhard, Caroline. "Inventing a 'Negro Literature': Race, Dialect, and Gender in the Early Work of Paul Lawrence Dunbar, James Weldon Johnson, and Alice Dunbar-Nelson." Post-Bellum, Pre-Harlem: African American Literature and Culture. Eds. Barbara McCaskill and Caroline Gebhard: New York UP, New York, NY Pagination: 162-78, 2006. xiv, 298.

Gibson, Donald B. "Richard Wright: Aspects of His Afro-American Literary Relations." Critical Essays on Richard Wright. Ed. Yoshinobu Hakutani. Crit. Essays on Amer. Lit.: Hall, Boston Pagination: 82-90, 1982. viii 305.

Giles, James R. "Paul Laurence Dunbar." American Short-Story Writers, 1880- 1910. Eds. Bobby Ellen Kimbel and William E. Grant. Dictionary of Literary Biography (Dlb) Number: 78: Thomson Gale, Detroit, MI Pagination: 154-59, 1989. xvii, 337.

Griffin, Martin. "Reconciliation and Irony, 1865-1905: James Russell Lowell, Henry James, Paul Laurence Dunbar, and Ambrose Bierce." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 63.11 (2003): 3946.

Harris, Trudier. "William Dean Howells: Introduction to Paul Laurence Dunbar, Lyrics of Lowly Life (1896)." Afro-American Writers before the Harlem Renaissance. Eds. Trudier Harris and Thadious M. Davis. Dictionary of Literary Biography (Dlb) Number: 50: Gale, Detroit, MI Pagination: 306-07, 1986. xv, 321.

Holder, Stephen C. "A Man of His Times: The Fiction of Paul Lawrence Dunbar." Midwestern Miscellany 34 (2006): 61-68.

Hudson, Gossie H. "The Crowded Years: Paul Laurence Dunbar in History." A Singer in the Dawn: Reinterpretations of Paul Laurence Dunbar. Ed. Jay Martin: Dodd, Mead, New York Pagination: 227-42, 1975. 255.

---. "'Emancipation,' an Unpublished Poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar." Negro History Bulletin 36 (1973): 41-42.

---. "Paul Laurence Dunbar: Dialect Et La Negritude." Phylon: The Atlanta University Review of Race and Culture 34.3 (1973): 236-47.

Hudson, Gossie Harold. "Paul Laurence Dunbar: The Regional Heritage of Dayton's First Black Poet." Antioch Review 34 (1976): 430-40.

Hurd, Myles. "Blackness and Borrowed Obscurity: Another Look at Dunbar's the Sport of the Gods." Callaloo: A Journal of African American and African Arts and Letters 4.1-3 (1981): 90-100.

Hurd, Myles Raymond. "Rhetoric Versus Eloquence in the Afro-American Double Narrative: Perspectives on Audience, Ambivalence, and Ambiguity." Dissertation Abstracts International 46.2 (1985): 421A.

Inge, Casey. "Family Functions: Disciplinary Discourses and (De) Constructions of the 'Family' in the Sport of the Gods." Callaloo: A Journal of African-American and African Arts and Letters 20.1 (1997): 226-42.

Inge, Casey Aaron. "'Our Family, White and Black': Revisiting the Racial Family in Turn-of-the-Century American Fiction." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 64.8 (2004): 2889.

James, Jennifer C. A Freedom Bought with Blood: African American War Literature from the Civil War to World War Ii. Chapel Hill, NC : U of North Carolina P, 2007.

Jarrett, Gene. "'Entirely Black Verse from Him Would Succeed': Minstrel Realism and William Dean Howells." Nineteenth-Century Literature 59.4 (2004): 494-.

---. "'We Must Write Like the White Men': Race, Realism, and Dunbar's Anomalous First Novel." Novel: A Forum on Fiction 37.3 (2004): 303-.

Jarrett, Gene Andrew, Thomas Lewis Morgan, and Shelley Fisher Fishkin. The Complete Stories of Paul Laurence Dunbar. Athens, OH : Ohio UP, 2005.

Jones, Christopher. "Paul Laurence Dunbar and Robert Burns: Vernacular Gateways." Midwestern Miscellany 34 (2006): 27-35.

Jones, Gayl. "Breaking out of the Conventions of Dialect: Dunbar and Hurston." Presence Africaine: Revue Culturelle du Monde Noir/Cultural Review of the Negro World 144 (1987): 32-46.

Julien, Claude. "Continuité Doxique: Aspects Sexuelles Du 'Problème Blanc' De 'the Lynching of Jube Benson' À Going to Meet the Man." GRAAT: Publication des Groupes de Recherches Anglo- Américaines de l'Université François Rabelais de Tours 18 (1998): 103-14.

Keeling, John. "Paul Dunbar and the Mask of Dialect." Southern Literary Journal 25.2 (1993): 24-38.

Kinnamon, Keneth. "Three Black Writers and the Anthologized Canon." American Realism and the Canon. Eds. Tom Quirk and Gary Scharnhorst: U of Delaware P, Newark Pagination: 143-53, 1994. 227.

---. "Three Black Writers and the Anthologized Canon." American Literary Realism 23.3 (1991): 42-51.

Kirk, James A. "The Sport of the Gods: Religion and Sexuality in India." Iliff Review 35.2 (1978): 41-53.

Laryea, Doris Lucas. "Paul Laurence Dunbar." Afro-American Writers before the Harlem Renaissance. Eds. Trudier Harris and Thadious M. Davis. Dictionary of Literary Biography (Dlb) Number: 50: Gale, Detroit, MI Pagination: 106-22, 1986. xv, 321.

Lee, A. Robert. "The Fiction of Paul Laurence Dunbar." Negro American Literature Forum 8.1 (1974): 166-75.

Lucas, Doris M. "Patterns of Accommodation and Protest in the Fiction of Paul Laurence Dunbar." Dissertation Abstracts International 34 (1974): 7711A-.

Martin, Herbert Woodward. "An Unintended Journey." Midwestern Miscellany 34 (2006): 93-96.

Martin, Herbert Woodward, Ronald Primeau, and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. In His Own Voice: The Dramatic and Other Uncollected Works of Paul Laurence Dunbar. Athens, OH : Ohio UP, 2002.

Martin, Jay. "'Jump Back Honey': Paul Laurence Dunbar and the Rediscovery of American Poetical Traditions." Bulletin of the Midwest Modern Language Association 7.1 (1974): 40-53.

---, ed. A Singer in the Dawn: Reinterpretations of Paul Laurence Dunbar. New York : Dodd, Mead, 1975.

Martin, Jay, and Gossie H. Hudson. The Paul Laurence Dunbar Reader: A Selection of Paul Laurence Dunbar's Poetry and Prose, Including Writings Never before Available in Book Form. New York : Dodd, Mead, 1975.

McGhee, Nancy B., and Keith L. Schall. "Portraits in Black: Illustrated Poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar." 63-104 in Keith L. Schall, Ed. Stony the Road: Chapters in the History of Hampton Institute. Ed. pp: UP of Virginia, Charlottesville, 1977.

McGraw, Patricia Washington. "The Duality of Dialect and Dialogue in Dunbar." Publications of the Arkansas Philological Association 15.1 (1989): 53-66.

Metcalf, Eugene W., Jr. "The Letters to Paul and Alice Dunbar: A Private History." Dissertation Abstracts International 35 (1974): 465A(Calif.

Metcalf, E. W., Jr. Paul Laurence Dunbar: A Bibliography. Metuchen, NJ : Scarecrow, 1975.

Miller, Ruth, and Peter J. Katopes. "Modern Beginnings: William Wells Brown, Charles Waddell Chesnutt, Martin R. Delany, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Sutton E. Griggs, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, and Frank J. Webb." Black American Writers: Bibliographical Essays, I: The Beginnings through the Harlem Renaissance and Langston Hughes. Eds. M. Thomas Inge, Maurice Duke and Jackson R. Bryer: St. Martin's, New York Pagination: 133-60, 1978. 217.

Morgan, Thomas L. "The City as Refuge: Constructing Urban Blackness in Paul Laurence Dunbar's the Sport of the Gods and James Weldon Johnson's the Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man." African American Review 38.2 (2004): 213-37.

Mvuyekure, Pierre-Damien. "Paul Laurence Dunbar (1872-1906)." African American Authors, 1745-1945: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook. Ed. Emmanuel S. Nelson: Greenwood, Westport, CT Pagination: 132-38, 2000. xvi, 525.

Okeke-Ezigbo, Emeka. "Paul Laurence Dunbar: Straightening the Record." College Language Association Journal 24.4 (1981): 481-96.

Okeke-Ezigbo, Felix C. "Eagle against Buzzard: The Dialect Poetry of Paul Laurence Dunbar and James Weldon Johnson." Dissertation Abstracts International 40 (1979): 2065A.

Oswald, Emily. "Imagining Race: Illustrating the Poems of Paul Laurence Dunbar." Book History 9 (2006): 213-33.

Pawley, Thomas. "Dunbar as Playwright." Black World 24.6 (1975): 70-79.

Penzl, Herbert. "Paul Laurence Dunbar's Literary Dialects." PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 108.1 (1993): 155-56.

Peppers, Wallace Ray. "Linguistic Variation in the Dialect Poetry of Paul Laurence Dunbar." Dissertation Abstracts International 40 (1979): 2639A.

Perry, Ruth Anna. "Variations on the Protest Theme in the Novels of Dunbar, Chesnutt, Johnson, and Ellison." Dissertation Abstracts International 41 (1980): 1599A.

Pitcher, Geoffrey. "The Readerly Ruse: Paul Laurence Dunbar's Dialect Poetry and the Aesthetics of Authenticity." Voices of Power: Co-Operation and Conflict in English Language and Literatures. Eds. Marc Maufort and Jean-Pierre van Noppen: L3-Liège Language and Literature, for Belgian Association of Anglists in Higher Education, Liège, Belgium Pagination: 183-90, 1997. 224.

Primeau, Ronald. Herbert Woodward Martin and the African American Tradition in Poetry. Kent, OH : Kent State UP, 2004.

Primeau, Ronald, and Woodward Martin Herbert. "Being a Collection of Essays on Paul Lawrence Dunbar." Midwestern Miscellany 34 (2006): 4-96.

Ramsey, William M. "Dunbar's Dixie." Southern Literary Journal 32.1 (1999): 30-45.

Redding, Saunders. "Portrait against Background." A Singer in the Dawn: Reinterpretations of Paul Laurence Dunbar. Ed. Jay Martin: Dodd, Mead, New York Pagination: 39-44, 1975. 255.

Revell, Peter. "Paul Laurence Dunbar." American Poets, 1890-1945: Third Series, Part 1: A-M. Ed. Peter Quartermain. Dictionary of Literary Biography (Dlb) Number: 54 (1): Gale, Detroit, MI Pagination: 69-82, 1987. xxi, 329.

Revell, Peter, and David J. Nordloh. Paul Laurence Dunbar. 298: Boston : Twayne, 1979.

Rodgers, Lawrence R. "Paul Laurence Dunbar's the Sport of the Gods: The Doubly Couscious World of Plantation Fiction, Migration, and Ascent." American Literary Realism 24.3 (1992): 42-57.

Roman, Camille. "The Caged Bird's Song and Its (Dis)Contents." Pacific Coast Philology 41 (2006): 32-38.

Rosk, Nancy Von. "Coon Shows, Ragtime, and the Blues: Race, Urban Culture, and the Naturalist Vision in Paul Laurence Dunbar's the Sport of the Gods." Twisted from the Ordinary: Essays on American Literary Naturalism. Ed. Mary E. Papke. Tennessee Studies in Literature (Tstl) Number: 40. Knoxville, TN: U of Tennessee P, 2003. 144-68.

Sander, Reinhard W. "Five Early Afro-American Novels." Muse 8 (1976): 36-41.

Seaton, Sandra. "'the Great Big Pahty': My Grandmother and Paul Lawrence Dunbar." Midwestern Miscellany 34 (2006): 85-92.

Shaffer, Donald M., Jr. "Making Space(S): The Representation of Place and Identity in Black Migration Novels, 1902-1953." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 66.7 (2006): 2581.

Simon, Myron. "Dunbar and Dialect Poetry." A Singer in the Dawn: Reinterpretations of Paul Laurence Dunbar. Ed. Jay Martin: Dodd, Mead, New York Pagination: 114-34, 1975. 255.

Smith, Katherine Capshaw. "The Legacy of Paul Laurence Dunbar: Dialect and Racial Configuration in the Works of Silas X. Floyd and Christina Moody." Midwestern Miscellany 34 (2006): 36-52.

Sollors, Werner. "Was Roxy Black?: Race as Stereotype in Mark Twain, Edward Windsor Kemble, and Paul Laurence Dunbar." Mixed Race Literature. Ed. Jonathan Brennan: Stanford UP, Stanford, CA Pagination: 70-87, 2002. xiii, 234.

Story, Ralph. "Paul Laurence Dunbar: Master Player in a Fixed Game." CLA Journal 27.1 (1983): 30-55.

Stronks, James B. "Paul Laurence Dunbar and William Dean Howells." Ohio Historical Quarterly 67 (1958): 95-108.

Thomas, Lorenzo. "Dunbar and Degradation: The Sport of the Gods in Context." Complexions of Race: The African Atlantic. Eds. Fritz Gysin and Cynthia S. Hamilton. Forecaast: Forum for European Contributions to African American Studies Number: 15: Lit, Münster, Germany Pagination: 159-79, 2005. x, 243.

Tolson, Nancy D. "Besides Nursery Rhymes, I Learned Paul." Midwestern Miscellany 34 (2006): 78-84.

Turner, Darwin. "Paul Laurence Dunbar: The Rejected Symbol." Journal of Negro History 52.1 (1967): 1-13.

Turner, Darwin T. "Paul Laurence Dunbar: The Poet and the Myths." A Singer in the Dawn: Reinterpretations of Paul Laurence Dunbar. Ed. Jay Martin: Dodd, Mead, New York Pagination: 59-74, 1975. 255.

---. "Paul Laurence Dunbar: The Poet and the Myths." College Language Association Journal 18 (1974): 155-71.

Von Rosk, Nancy. "Coon Shows, Ragtime, and the Blues: Race, Urban Culture, and the Naturalist Vision in Paul Laurence Dunbar's the Sport of the Gods." Twisted from the Ordinary: Essays on American Literary Naturalism. Ed. Mary E. Papke. Tennessee Studies in Literature (Tstl) Number: 40: U of Tennessee P, Knoxville, TN Pagination: 144-68, 2003. xv, 416.

Wagner, Jean. Black Poets of the United States: From Paul Laurence Dunbar to Langston Hughes. Urbana : U of Illinois P, 1973.

Wakefield, John. "Paul Laurence Dunbar: 'the Scapegoat' (1904)." The Black American Short Story in the 20th Century: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Peter Bruck: Gruner, Amsterdam Pagination: 39-51, 1977. 209.

Wheat, Valerie J. "Nineteenth Century Black Dialect Poetry and Racial Pride: Candelario Obeso's Cantos Populares De Mi Tierra and Paul Laurence Dunbar's Lyrics of Lowly Life." Afro-Hispanic Review 15.2 (1996): 26-36.

Williams, Kenny J. "The Masking of the Novelist." A Singer in the Dawn: Reinterpretations of Paul Laurence Dunbar. Ed. Jay Martin: Dodd, Mead, New York Pagination: 152-207, 1975. 255.

Lida Keck Wiggins, Dunbar, Paul Laurence, and William Dean Howells. The Life and Works of Paul Laurence Dunbar; Containing His Complete Poetical Works, His Best Short Stories, Numerous Anecdotes and a Complete Biography of the Famous Poet. Naperville, Ill., Memphis, Tenn.,: J.L. Nichols & company, 1907.

Comments to D. Campbell.