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Martin Eden: Bibliography of Secondary Sources The Jack London Society website includes current information about what's happening in London studies. The Jack London Online collection, formerly at UC Berkeley and now at Sonoma State University, is one of the best author sites anywhere on the web. Containing HTML versions of London's works, photographs, biographical information by noted London biographer Clarice Stasz, a list of Jack London's works by date of composition by Jack London Journal editor James Williams, image files of documents, and bibliographies, it is an essential stop for students and researchers working on London.
List of Works Online (Others are available at the Jack
London site)
God of His Fathers and Other Stories (1901;
from The Book of Jack London, vol. 2, by Charmian London (New York: Century, 1921), 219-221. Our main meal was at 12:30. This hour better
suited our work and Ranch plans generally. At twelve the mail-sack--a
substantial leather one bought before we sailed on the Snark--arrived
at the back porch, and Nakata brought it to me to sort the contents.
In the half-hour before dinner, Jack had glanced over the daily paper,
read his letters, indicated replies on some of them for my guidance, and
[219] laid the more important ones in their wire tray, one of many such
nested on a small table beside the Oregon myrtle rolltop desk where he
transacted business. I always endeavored to have his ten pages of
hand-written manuscript transcribed--an average of two and a half typewritten
letter-size sheets--before the second gong (an ancient concave disk of
Korean brass) belled the fifteen-minute call to table. Jack implored
me to be on time to the minute's tick, and attend to seating the guests,
so that he might work to the last moment. "A Hero to His Valet" by Yoshimatsu Nakata, transcribed by Barry Stevens (Jack London Journal 2001): 26-103. After he dressed, Mr. London would start to work. He had a certain way of writing, and it was the same every day. He has a cigarette in his left hand and a blunt fountain pen with a wire tube at the end--a stylograph. He always used this instead of a fountain pen. The idea is that he doesn't have to watch the nib to see if it is turning to one side. When he is writing he is always humming something or singing. It is called "Redwing" [words here; sound recording here].He played that all the time on the phonograph on the Snark, and at home he still hums and sings it. Then he puffs a cigarette and writes some more and he does that for twenty minutes and then he gets up and takes a drink of Scotch whiskey. Then he eats a Japanese fish, the small white dried fish called creme iriko that they use for bait. He eats that once in a while and then writes. Every twenty minutes he counts the pages. he writes so big, I suppose there are a thousand words to about twenty pages. After he writes about an hour, he begins to count and then writes about twenty minutes again. About four or five times he does this, and then he figures he is finished with his work. (36-37)