Abbott, Craig S. "Reflexive Revision in Frank Norris's McTeague and A Man's Woman." Frank Norris Studies 8 (1989): 9-10.
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Anderson, Eric Gary. American Indian Literature and the Southwest: Contexts and Dispositions. Austin: Univ. of Texas Press, 1999. Chapter 6 is called "Driven to Extraction: McTeague in the Desert."
Anderson, Jennifer, and Robert C. Leitz, III. "Norris Notices in The Conservator." Frank Norris Studies 11 (1991): 5-8.
Aparicio, George Bernabe. "Transcendental Experience in Nature and in the City: A Study of Anglo-American Romanticism's Anti-Urban Attitude." Dissertation Abstracts International 49.12 (1989): 3711A-3712A.
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Barnard, William H. "Men, Women and the Art of the Deal in Frank Norris's the Pit." Litteraria Pragensia: Studies in Literature and Culture 11.21 (2001): 49-80.
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Bower, Stephanie. "Dangerous Liaisons: Prostitution, Disease, and Race in Frank Norris's Fiction." MFS: Modern Fiction Studies 42.1 (1996): 31-60.
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Burgess, Douglas Kelly. "Frank Norris' 'The Pit: A Romance of Chicago': A Critical Edition." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 58.4 (1997): 1278.
Campbell, Donna M. "Domesticating Trilby: Norris and the Naturalistic Art Novel." Excavatio: Emile Zola and Naturalism 11 (1998): 129-36.
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Campbell, Donna. "'One Note of Color': The Apprenticeship Writings of Frank Norris." Frank Norris Studies 25 (1998): 3-5.
Campbell, Donna M. Resisting Regionalism: Gender and Naturalism in American Fiction, 1885-1915. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1997.
Caron, James E. "Grotesque Naturalism: The Significance of the Comic in McTeague." Texas Studies in Literature and Language 31.2 (1989): 288-317.
Carter, Ronnie D. "Polish Academic Writing on Frank Norris." Frank Norris Studies 18 (1994): 4-5.
Cassuto, Leonard. "'Keeping Company' with the Old Folks: Unravelling the Edges of McTeague's Deterministic Fabric." American Literary Realism 25.2 (1993): 46-55.
Cavalier, Philip. "Mining
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Quarterly 14.2 (2000): 127-141.
Civello, Paul. American Literary Naturalism And Its Twentieth-Century Transformations : Frank Norris, Ernest Hemingway, Don Delillo. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1994.
Civello, Paul. "Evolutionary Feminism, Popular Romance, and Frank Norris's 'Man's Woman'." Studies in American Fiction 24.1 (1996): 23-44.
Clark, William Joseph. "Naturalism, Revitalization and the Fiction of Frank Norris (Volumes I & II)." Dissertation Abstracts International 52.5 (1991): 1793A.
Cook, Don L. "McTeague at Ninety: The Novel and Its Tensions." Frank Norris Studies 11 (1991): 2-5.
Crisler, Jesse S., and Joseph R. McElrath. Frank Norris: A Reference Guide. Reference guides in literature, no. 3. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1974.
Crisler, Jesse. "The 'California Naturalists': Memory as Spiritual Renewal and Other Parallels in London, Norris, and Steinbeck." Literature and Belief 21.1-2 (2001): 2-31.
Crisler, Jesse S. "Hamlin Garland's Relationship with Frank Norris." Frank Norris Studies 4 (2004): 5-12.
Crisler, Jesse S. "De Forest, Millard, Howells, and Norris: Defining the 'Great American Novel'." Essays in Arts and Sciences 31 (2002): 103-10.
Crisler, Jesse S. "Norris and the Blue and Gold: The Novelist as College Man." Analytical & Enumerative Bibliography 4.2-3 (1990): 110-28.
Crisler, Jesse S. "Norris's Parents Not a 'Marriage of True Minds'." Frank Norris Studies 2 (2002): 7-20.
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Crisler, Jesse S. "A Note on Frank Norris' Death: Berkeley Faculty Members Pay Tribute." American Literary Realism 29.2 (1997): 81-87.
Crow, Charles L. "Recent Trends in McTeague Scholarship." Frank Norris Studies 13 (1992): 1-5.
Cruz, Denise. "Reconsidering Mcteague's 'Mark' and 'Mac': Intersections of U. S. Naturalism, Imperial Masculinities, and Desire between Men." American Literature 78.3 (2006): 487-.
Danielewski, Donna Ann. "A Biography of Frank Norris (1870-1902)." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 58.8 (1998): 3130.
Davison, Richard Allan. "Zelda Fitzgerald, Vladimir Nabokov and James A. Michener: Three Opinions on Frank Norris's McTeague." Frank Norris Studies 9 (1989): 11-12.
Davison, Richard Allan. "The Marriage, Divorce and Demise of a Father of Novelists: B. F. Norris." Frank Norris Studies 8 (1989): 2-5.
Davison, Richard Allan. "Of Mice and Men and McTeague: Steinbeck, Fitzgerald, and Frank Norris." Studies in American Fiction 17.2 (1989): 219-226.
Davison, Richard Allan. "Frank Norris and William Cullen Bryant." Frank Norris Studies 14 (1992): 6-8.
Dean, Thomas K. "The Critical Reception of Erich von Stroheim's Greed." Frank Norris Studies 9 (1989): 7-11.
Dean, Thomas K. "Current Publications Update." Frank Norris Studies 8 (1989): 10-11.
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Dean, Thomas Keith. "Domestic Horizons: Gender, Genre, and Narrative Structure in the Fiction of Frank Norris." Dissertation Abstracts International 52.12 (1992): 4327A.
Dean, Thomas K. "Current Publications: Update." Frank Norris Studies 18 (1994): 5-8.
Dean, Thomas K. "William A. Brady's 1914 Film Adaptation of Frank Norris's The Pit." Frank Norris Studies 17 (1994): 1-7.
Den Tandt, Christophe. The Urban Sublime in American Literary Naturalism. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 1998.
Dow, William. "Fiction Is Not Real: The Performative and Norris's McTeague." ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 42.2 (163) (1996): 77-92.
Dudley, John. "Inside and Outside the Ring: Manhood, Race, and Art in American Literary Naturalism." College Literature 29.1 (2002): 53-82.
Duncan, Charles. "Where Piggishness Flourishes: Contextualizing Strategies in Norris and London." Frank Norris Studies 14 (1992): 1-6.
Duncan, Charles. "'If Your View Be Large Enough': Narrative Growth in The Octopus." American Literary Realism 25.2 (1993): 56-66.
Eby, Clare Virginia. "Domesticating Naturalism: The Example of The Pit." Studies in American Fiction 22.2 (1994): 149-68.
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Eby, Clare Virginia. "The Octopus: Big Business as Art." American Literary Realism 26.3 (1994): 33-51.
Elbert, Monika M. "The Displacement of Desire: Consumerism and Fetishism in Mary Wilkins Freeman's Fiction." Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 19.2 (2002): 192-215.
Ellis, Reuben J. "'A Little Turn through the Country': Presley's Bicycle Ride in Frank Norris's The Octopus." Journal of American Culture 17.3 (1994): 17-22.
Emery, Robert. "Railroad Rates in the Octopus: a Literary Footnote," 64 Journal of Transportation Law, Logistics, and Policy 298 (1997).
Feldman, Mark. "The Physics and Metaphysics of Caging: The Animal in Late- Nineteenth-Century American Culture." Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 39.4 (2006): 161-80.
Fisher, Benjamin F. "Frank Norris Parodies Anthony Hope." Frank Norris Studies 15 (1993): 17-20.
Fisher, Benjamin F. "Victorian Contexts for Frank Norris's Yvernelle." Frank Norris Studies 1 (2001): 8-13.
Fried, Michael. "Almayer's Face: On 'Impressionism' in Conrad, Crane, and Norris." So Rich a Tapestry: The Sister Arts and Cultural Studies. Eds. Ann Hurley and Kate Greenspan. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 1995. 239-82.
Funk, Robert. "Dreiser's An American Tragedy." Explicator 51.4 (1993): 232-34.
Giaimo, Paul S. "Frank Norris and Gender." Dissertation Abstracts International 56.4 (1995): 1354A.
Gifford, Tracey. "Frank Norris in California's Central Coast." Frank Norris Studies 30 (2000): 2-6.
Goetsch, Paul. "Shipwreck with Spectator: Norris, London, Crane." The Sea and the American Imagination. Eds. Klaus Benesch, Jon- K. Adams and Kerstin Schmidt. Transatlantic Perspectives: A Series of Interdisciplinary North American Studies Number: 16: Stauffenburg, Tübingen, Germany Pagination: 149-62, 2004. 280.
Good, James. "Dickens's Bleak House and Norris's McTeague." Explicator 55.3 (1997): 135-36.
Guest, David. Sentenced To Death : The American Novel And Capital Punishment. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1997..
Hale, Holly Ann. "The Evolution of Frank Norris in the American Medievalist Tradition: Norris's Progression from Gothic Juvenilia to Modern Courtly Love in 'the Pit'." Louisiana State U, 2001.
Hawkins, Dee. "Mythology and Bureaucracy in American Novels." Dissertation Abstracts International 55.7 (1995): 1955A.
Heddendorf, David. "The 'Octopus' in McTeague: Frank Norris and Professionalism." MFS: Modern Fiction Studies 37.4 (1991): 677-88.
Hochman, Barbara. The Art of Frank Norris, Storyteller. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1988.
Hochman, Barbara. "Self-Disclosure in the Fiction of Frank Norris." Frank Norris Studies 9 (1989): 5-7.
Hochman, Barbara. "Reading Homer in the 1890's: Interpretive Conventions and Norris' the Octopus." American Literary Realism 35.2 (2003): 120-129.
Hsu, Hsuan L. "Literature and Regional Production." American Literary History 17.1 (2005): 36-70.
Hug, William J. "McTeague as Metafiction? Frank Norris' Parodies of Bret Harte and the Dime Novel." Western American Literature 26.3 (1991): 219-28.
Hussman, Lawrence E. Harbingers of a Century: The Novels of Frank Norris. Modern American Literature: New Approaches. New York: Peter Lang, 1999.
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Jacobsen, Karen F. "Who's the Boss? McTeague, Naturalism,and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder."Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 32.2 (1999): 27-41.
Johanningsmeier, Charles. "'Rediscovering' Frank Norris's 'A Salvation Boom in Matabeleland'." Frank Norris Studies 22 (1996): 1-6.
Johanningsmeier, Charles. "The Devil, Capitalism, and Frank Norris: Defining the 'Reading Field' for Sunday Newspaper Fiction, 1870-1910." American Periodicals: A Journal of History, Criticism, and Bibliography 14.1 (2004): 91-112.
Johnson, Amy. "Reevaluating Frank Norris's Concept of Naturalism: The Summer in Arcady Review." South Central Review: The Journal of the South Central Modern Language Association 10.4 (1993): 73-81.
Jones, Gwendolyn. "Frank Norris's The Pit: 'A Romance of Chicago' and 'A Story of Chicago'." Frank Norris Studies 21 (1996): 1-8.
Jordan, David. "Representing Regionalism." Canadian Review of American Studies/Revue Canadienne d'Etudes Americaines 23.2 (1993): 101-14.
Kaplan, Charles. "McTeague Lives! The Opera." Frank Norris Studies 16 (1993): 7-8.
King, Christine Harvey. "Humor Separates the Artist from the Bungler in Vandover and the Brute." American Literary Realism 29.2 (1997): 14-26.
Kreisel, Deanna K. "Frank Norris's Mcteague." American Writers: Classics, Volume Ii. Ed. Jay Parini: Scribner's, New York, NY Pagination: 181-98, 2004. xiv, 336.
Lamb, Robert Paul. "How Marcus Schouler Found McTeague in Death Valley: Frank Norris, the 'Pivotal Event', and the Long Arm of Realism." American Transcendental Quarterly 11.2 (1997): 137-56.
Lawlor, Mary. "Naturalism in the Cinema: Erich von Stroheim's Reading of McTeague." Frank Norris Studies 8 (1989): 6-8.
Lawlor, Mary. "Placing Source in Greed and McTeague. Selected Papers from the Thirteenth Annual Florida State University Conference on Literature and Film." Intertextuality in Literature and Film. Eds. Elaine D. Cancalon and Antoine Spacagna. Florida State Univ. Conference on Literature and Film. Series No: 13. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 1994. 93-104.
Lawlor, Mary. Recalling the Wild : Naturalism and the Closing of the American West. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2000.
Lehan, Richard. "Naturalism and the Realms of the Text: The Problem Restated." Studies in American Naturalism 1.1-2 (2006): 15-29.
Leitz, Robert C., III. "Jack London in 1900: Besting Norris in the Far North." Frank Norris Studies 16 (1993): 6-7.
Leitz, Robert C., III. "Norris in Cyberspace." Frank Norris Studies 22 (1996): 6, 8.
Levenson, J. C. "The Red Badge of Courage and McTeague: Passage to Modernity." The Cambridge Companion to American Realism and Naturalism: Howells to London. Ed. Donald Pizer. Cambridge Companions to Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995. 154-77.
Lewis, Ethan. "Gearing Up: Compositional Order in Vandover and the Brute." University of Mississippi Studies in English 11-12 (1993): 113-33.
Link, Eric Carl. "Frank Norris's Blackwood Tale." Frank Norris Studies 23 (1997): 4-6.
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---. "The Theodicy Problem in the Works of Frank Norris." Studies in American Naturalism 1.1-2 (2006): 90-108.
Litton, Alfred G. "The Kinetoscope in McTeague: 'The Crowning Scientific Achievement of the Nineteenth Century'." Studies in American Fiction 19.1 (1991): 107-12.
Long, Denise Howard. "A Dentist No More: The Destruction of Masculinity in Mcteague." Midamerica: The Yearbook of the Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature 32 (2005): 67-77.
Lukens, Erik Jon. "Shaping California: Landscape and Literary Form in Clarence King, Frank Norris and Raymond Chandler." Dissertation Abstracts International 56.5 (1995): 1779A-80A.
Lye, Colleen. "American Naturalism and Asiatic Racial Form: Frank Norris's the Octopus and Moran of the 'Lady Letty'." Representations 84 (2004): 73-99.
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Marut, David. "Sam Lewiston's Bad Timing: A Note on the Economics Context of 'A Deal in Wheat'." American Literary Realism 27.1 (1994): 74-80.
McElrath, Joseph R.Jr. "A New Short Story by Frank Norris?" Frank Norris Studies 29 (2000): 1-7.
McElrath, Joseph R., Jr. "Norris's Attitude toward Sister Carrie." Dreiser Studies 18.2 (1987): 39-42.
McElrath, Joseph R. Frank Norris And The Wave : A Bibliography. Garland reference library of the humanities ; vol. 801. New York: Garland Pub., 1988.
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McElrath, Joseph R., Jr. "Frank Norris: Biographical Data from The Wave, 1891-1901." Frank Norris Studies 10 (1990): 1-12.
McElrath, Joseph R., Jr., and Jesse S. Crisler. Frank Norris: A Life. Urbana, IL : U of Illinois P, 2005.
McElrath, Joseph R. Frank Norris Revisited. Twayne's United States authors series ; TUSAS 610. New York:Twayne Publishers, 1992.
McElrath, Joseph R., Jr. "Edwin Markham in Frank Norris's The Octopus." Frank Norris Studies 13 (1992): 10-11.
McElrath, Joseph R., Jr. Frank Norris: A Descriptive Bibliography. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 1992.
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McElrath, Joseph R., Jr., and Douglas K. Burgess. "Joseph Leiter: Frank Norris's Model for Curtis Jadwin in The Pit." Frank Norris Studies 2 (2002): 20-24.
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