1920s Periodicals in Holland/Terrell Library

Stack chart showing where books are in the library.

Title Call Number Notes
American Mercury, The 905 Am345 Deweys (basement)
Atlantic Monthly, The AP2 .A798x First floor
Book Review Digest Z1219 .C96  Holland
Bookman, The 805 .B6446  Deweys (basement)
Colliers B71 Locked compact storage
Cosmopolitan  A231 Locked compact storage
Crisis 326.05 C868 Holland and Terrell Microfiche (first floor)
Dial, The Microfiche 805 D541  Deweys (basement)
Harper's Not available for the 1920s --
Harper's Bazaar TT500 H3 First floor
McClure's AP2 .A4992 477-492.
A2366 Locked Compact Storage
Earlier issues are in 805.N42 (compact storage in basement))
New York Times, The Available through ProQuest AN33.N4 N49x (Electronic resource)      
New Yorker, The Microfilm 805 N423
Issues from the 1920s are in the Microfilm Department (first floor)
North American Review, The A2894  Locked compact storage.
Redbook Not available. only one issue, not from the 1920s
Saturday Evening Post, The AP2 .S2  Bound volumes from the 1920s are available. WSU Holland & Terrell Current-Journals & Newspapers 
Scribner's 805 Scr31 Deweys (basement)
Smart Set Not available at WSU; order through Summit -Be sure to specify that this is not available, since a similar publication is and Summit might reject your first request.
Time AP2 .T37  First floor
Vogue  TT500 .V7  
Woman's Home Companion B51 Deweys (basement)

Locked compact storage items must be ordered 24 hours in advance. Ask at the circulation or reference desk, or call 335-9671.