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Journals: Page numbers by volume or issue. This page lists which journals devoted to American literature number their pages by volume and which number them by issue.

Now that the MLA Handbook, 8th edition, pp. 39-40 has reverted to the old rule (If the journal is paginated by ISSUE, include the issue number. If it's paginated by VOLUME, don't.), here's a reference list of some journals according to their numbering systems. Journals change their systems from time to time, so if you see an error, please let me know: campbelld@wsu.edu

Page numbers by VOLUME
African American Review / AAR
American Imago / AL
American Indian Quarterly / AIQ
American Jewish History
American Literary History / AmLH
American Literary Realism / ALR [Note: In 2001, ALR began numbering by volume rather than issue.]
American Literature / AL
American Quarterly /AQ
Americastudien / Amst
Children's Literature Association Quarterly
College English / CE
College Language Association Journal / CLAJ
Comparative Literature Studies / CLS
Early American Literature / EAL
European Journal of Cultural Studies
Explicator / Expl
Great Plains Quarterly / GPQ
Henry James Review / HJR
Journal of American Studies / JAmS
Journal of Narrative Technique / JNT
Journal of Popular Culture / JPC
Midwestern Miscellany / MMisc
Mississippi Quarterly / MissQ
Modern Fiction Studies / MFS
Modern Language Notes / MLN
Modern Language Quarterly / MLQ
Modernism/Modernity / MoMo
Monthly Review
New England Review / NER
New Literary History / NLH
Papers on Language and Literature / PLL
Philological Quarterly
Philosophy and Literature / P&L
South Atlantic Quarterly / SAQ
South Carolina Review
Southern Studies / SoSt
Studies in American Fiction / SAF
Studies in American Jewish Literature /SAJL
Studies in the Novel /SNTTS
Texas Studies in Literature and Language / TSLL
Theatre Annual
Twentieth Century Literature / TCL
Victorian Studies
University of Toronto Quarterly
Western American Literature / WAL
Women's Studies / WS

Page numbers by ISSUE
American Literary Realism / ALR [Note: In 2001, ALR began numbering by volume rather than issue.]
American Notes and Queries / ANQ
Arizona Quarterly / ArQ
boundary 2
College Literature / CollL
Critical Survey / CritSurv
Dime Novel Roundup / DNR
Dreiser Studies / DrSt (Became Studies in American Naturalism)
Edith Wharton Review / EWhR
Ellen Glasgow Journal of Southern Women Writers / EGN (*these are issues, not volumes)
Emily Dickinson Journal / EDJ
Frank Norris Studies / FNS (no longer publishing)
Journal of American and Comparative Cultures / JAAC
Journal of Modern Literature / JML
Modern Jewish Studies
Papers on Language and Literature / PLL
Rocky Mountain Review
Sherwood Anderson Review /ShARev (no longer publishing)
Short Story / ShortS
Sinclair Lewis Society Newsletter / SLN
Southern Literary Journal /SLJ
Southern Quarterly / SoQ
Stephen Crane Studies / SCS
Western Humanities Review / WHR
Wicazo Sa Review / WSaR

To be added:

Centennial Review / CentR

English Language Notes / ELN
Journal of American and Comparative Cultures / JACC
Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE) http://jsse.revues.org/
Literature and Belief
Modern Language Studies
Pembroke Magazine / PM
Postmodern Culture (paginated by paragraph)
Studies in Popular Culture
TDR: The Drama Review

Novel: A Forum on Fiction