Set Design
Set Notes
Folding furniture Examples
Parts of the set
Fish bowl on a pedestal.  Connects with the “surveillance motif.”  As Ginni, for example, says, “Human goldfish bowls, you know?  I just look in on you folks every now and then and it just like—blows my mind.  Better than TV.  (p. 41).
Need a device to serve the meals — maybe a pedestal, with a glass globe.
Bowl of apples.
Door locks from both outside and inside (p. 74-5, 80). Front door need bolts on inside and outside (old door maybe gets transformed into an iPhone designed door .
Ma’s VideoCouch: Ma’s “entombment” (her video couch) is described in the script as “reminiscent of Tutankhamen’s sarcophagus” — p. 76), but in our production it will be an Apple inspired casket (see pictures).  The coffin could be made to stand both vertically and horizontally with one side with the Apple Logo and the other side with App icons (think casket iPhone).
Mirror (where characters can check out their appearance before talking to Ginny ..
script calls for Japanese-style dinning table — instead we will do a Mac Table (silver or white), p,34
Research Images
Eye Imagery