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claustrophobic single room
Out of a job for over two years and hemmed into a tiny house, the couple are increasingly frustrated over the quality of their lives when Om finally gets an interview call for a job. The catch being that it is from a company, Interplanta Services, that promises a luxurious life in exchange for signing up as an organ-donor for its wealthy clients.
Swiss Army Knife concept
Madrid apartment “works like a Swiss Army knife”
By Adam Williams - June 26, 2015
10 Pictures

The fold-down furniture includes a bed, storage space, dining table, an ironing board, and even an acupuncture table (Credit: Miguel de Guzmán)
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Following its novel renovation of Madrid apartment Didomestic, architecture firm Elii took on a similarly quirky makeover of another flat in Spain’s capital. Susaloon features flexible folding furniture installed throughout in a bid to maximize available space.
Completed in 2014, Susaloon draws its name from its owner Susana, and comprises a total floorspace of 23.5 sq m (252 sq ft), which is split between a kitchen, hall, bathroom, storage room, lounge, drawing room, and bedroom.
The apartment is likened to a Swiss Army knife by the architects due to its flexibility, and features folding furniture and small hidden storage nooks. This enables the owner to keep the floorspace empty for when she holds parties or practices yoga. The fold-down furniture includes a bed, storage space, dining table, an ironing board, and even an acupuncture table. A small work area is also hidden from view when not in use, and a sliding wall can be moved to partition off a room.

The home joins several other utilitarian Madrid apartment makeovers we’ve covered lately, including the Pop-Up House and All I Own House. For a better idea of how the folding furniture works and the home’s layout, check out the video below by architectural photographer Miguel de Guzmán.
Sources: Elii, Miguel de Guzmán

elii 076 · SUSALOON

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About the Author

Adam scours the globe from his home in North Wales in order to bring the best of innovative architecture and sustainable design to the pages of Gizmag. Most of his spare time is spent dabbling in music, tinkering with old Macintosh computers and trying to keep his even older VW bus on the road.
All articles by Adam Williams
Folding furniture Examples
TV is created as a womb-like machine
DISORDER to ORDERS: It is into this world of disorder that Inter Planta Services brings apparent order and respectability.
There occurs a radical change to their dingy room and it acquires an air of sophistication.
The most important installation however, is the contact module placed at the centre of the room to facilitate communication between the receiver and the donor.
The contact module and the apparent order brought in by Inter Planta seem to create turmoil in personal relationships.
The donor and his family is kept under the constant gaze of the receiver as the module can rotate round to face each corner and can flicker to life at any moment.
Ginny compares Om’s flat to a “human goldfish bowl” (Harvest 43) which she can observe and amuse herself with
The concept of the design is to allow a watchman to observe (-opticon) all (pan-) inmates of an institution without their being able to tell whether they are being watched or not.
A miniature version of the panoptic system can be perceived in Om’s mother’s total absorption in the fantasy world.
She willingly shuts herself off from all outward manifestations of life. She is unmoved even as she sees her son Jeetu being taken away by the guards for an organ transplant by mistake. The Super Deluxe Video Couch she orders for herself is representative of her self-imposed withdrawal. Om’s mother’s renunciation of the world is complete, unhesitating and unquestioning. She chooses for herself electronic annihilation.
Thus the inmates of the Third world are trapped under the unrelenting gaze of the First world.
This total deprivation of privacy can be interpreted as the ultimate form of surveillance.
The only way one can salvage one’s sense of pride and self- esteem is through a willingness to die if the need arises- and through great courage and self control.
As the family’s life becomes more comfortable, their relationships become more strained than they ever were in their poverty, and eventually the whole family is at risk of losing not only body parts but their souls and identities as well. The corporation, personified as three anonymous, masked guards dressed all in white, gradually takes over every aspect of their lives.
meals: We see the family go through wonderful meals which can seem as space age because the family is taking off at the beginning of the play with good promise.
need a device to serve the meals — maybe a pedestal, with a glass globe
toilet — how to do the toilet
GOLD FISH BOWL: Ginni claims that watching them is like watching goldfish in a fishbowl
such as the projected backdrop, which sometimes displayed busy streets behind the family’s room added greatly needed atmosphere,