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Heart * His heart won't sustain him much longer.  It may  even give out when he gets off his bloody knees with that bloody man.

Erik Johnson as Frederick Treves
Dave Herigstad as John Merrick
Brian Porter as Carr Gom
Todd Moore Johansson as Bishop Waksham How
Mockery * It is just a mockery of everything we live by.

Erik Johnson as Frederick Treves
Dave Herigstad as John Merrick
Brian Porter as Carr Gom
Todd Moore Johansson as Bishop Waksham How
Corsets * Corsets.  How about corsets?  Here is a pamphlet I've written due mostly to the grotesque ailments I've seen caused by corsets.

Dave Herigstad as John Merrick
Todd Moore Johansson as Bishop Waksham How
Erik Johnson as Frederick Treves
Brian Porter as Carr Gom
Christ's Church * I do wish I understood you better.  But as for consolation, There is in Christ's church consolation.

Dave Herigstad as John Merrick

Todd Moore Johansson as Bishop Waksham How
Erik Johnson as Frederick Treves
Greedy * What you like, sir, is that he is so grateful for partrons, so greedy to be patronized, and no demands, no rights, no hopes.

Dave Herigstad as John Merrick

Todd Moore Johansson as Bishop Waksham How
Erik Johnson as Frederick Treves
  Christ's Church  
April Flowers * April's doing wonders for the garden

Dave Herigstad as John Merrick

Todd Moore Johansson as Snork
Merrick's Death * The Moment of Merrick's Death
Arbitrary * 
The word is arbitrary.  Arbitrary. It's all so...
Todd Moore Johansson as Snork
Dave Herigstad as John Merrick
One Small Thing * 
I did think of one small thing
Brian Porter as Carr Gom
Erik Johnson as Frederick Treves
Dave Herigstad as John Merrick
Curtain Call * Mrs. Kendal pay says her final goodbye to Merrick.
  April Flowers  
  Merrick's Death  
  One Small Thing  
  Curtain Call  
Album last updated on 2006.05.05 23:26:54
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