Surface modification of biomaterials and drug release kinetics:
- "Drug delivery from surface modified titanium alloy for load bearing implants", Susmita Bose, Solaiman Tarafdar, Khalid Emshadi, Sam Robertson, Dishary Banerjee and Amit
Bandyopadhyay, MS&t Annual Conference, 2014 held in October 2014 at Pittsburg,
- "Surface modification of titanium by various chemical techniques to improve bioactivity", Dishary Banerjee, Mitun Das, Vamsi Krishna Balla, IInd International Conference on
Medical Materials, Devices & Regenerative Medicine (MMDRM 2014), held at Kathmandu,
Nepal from 11-13 January, 2014.
Renewable energy resources:
- "Studies on green fuel generation from renewable resources", Dishary Banerjee, Lima Chaudhury, Mayurketan Mukherjee, Snehadri Chatterjee, Tapan Kumar Ghosh, Proceedings of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (IPCBEE), ISSN: 2010-4618
Volume 64, 2014, pp: 108-112.
Plant biotechnology:
- "Practical control of Papaya Ring Spot Virus(PRSV) saves the papaya industry", Dishary
Banerjee, Abira Sahu, Shouvik Datta, National Seminar on Food Security and GM Crops, organized by Department of Biotechnology, Heritage Institute of Technology, (received 2nd prize for poster presentation) on 1st October, 2013.
- "Demonstration of experimental biofilm by simple innovative method", Dishary Banerjee,
Abira Sahu, Sreyashree Bose, P.K.Maity, National Seminar on Biotechnology for
Sustainable Development organized by the Department of Biotechnology, Heritage Institute
of Technology, Kolkata from 23-24 March, 2012.