with Admission and Registration to Washington State University
Admissions and Registration
I. Admissions
There are two parts to taking Internet classes from WSU. The first is a one-time Admission process. The second is the easy Registration or Enrollment for class.
Students wishing to register for WSU Engineering & Technology Management courses must be first be admitted as undergraduate or graduate student. Students who have earned their bachelors degrees MUST register in the 500-level section. The Admission fee is a one-time fee of $50 to be paid up-front when processing the Admissions paperwork. Later, the student Registrations or Enrollment in a course. The course cost varies from about $2475 (for students meeting Washington state residency requirements or those qualifying for tuition relief ) to about $4500 (for Internet and corporate rate students--these fees change over time).
The Admission process and the Registration process can be facilitated by our program secretary.
Engineering Management Program
Patti Elshafei
ETRL 336
PO Box 642785
Pullman, WA 99164-2785email to:
Engineering Management web page
Office (509) 335-0125
Fax (509) 335-4725Directions for admission are also posted on the web site:
These are some general guidelines:
New students with undergraduate or graduate degrees earned in the USA, should apply early and have official transcripts requested to be sent directly from all colleges attended. These documents should be submitted no later than November 15 for courses beginning in the following January. This will allow you to be completely admitted by mid to late December. Admissions for classes starting in August, should submit documents no later than May 15th. Students need to receive login/passwords and test/debug their Internet receiving capabilities well in advance of the start of the course.New international students with undergraduate or graduate degrees earned outside the US should apply for admission by October 1 for courses beginning the following January and by March 1 for classes starting in August. It take much longer to process overseas applications. Transcripts and translations must be received early. Be sure to indicate on the application that you are attending via the Internet and you are not attending in the United States (so no visa is necessary).
Admissions page for new undergraduate students:
Admissions page for new graduate students:
Special Accelerated Registration Process for New Students (NOT TO BE USED BY INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS UNLESS DIRECTED, this admission is extremely limited and should only be used if there is a time crunch, problems with undergraduate grades, or if the student only wants to take one class. All others should apply for regular admission and request official transcripts.)
II. Registration
Once you are admitted, and have received your WSU Identification number, you need to go on-line and Register at to get started.
A schedule of the currently available classes is available under the Registration link. Select the semester and the SLN number (the course number and section) corresponding the class you wish to take with the section indicating the physical location where you are most likely viewing the live course (or select the web streaming section if you are at a distance).
. For more help with Distance Education technology, visit
Page created
by James R. Holt