DTC: the major for you?
The DTC major consists of DTC core courses and a concentration in one of three (and soon to be more) areas. Right now you can choose from concentrations in
*Cuture and Technology
*Media Authoring
It's Interdisiciplinary . . .
DTC is exceptionally interdisciplinary; 10+ departments teach courses in this major. In DTC you will be introduced to all kinds of creative thinking about technology, about how technology is a force in our culture, and how to create and manage the technology-enhanced products that are so much of part of our culture.It's personal. . .
Advising for the DTC major is intense and personal. With your advisor, you will carefully consider the options in the major and plan a degree program that's individually suited for you. If you start out in DTC as a first-year student you can easily complete the degree (along with several minors) in four years. If you're unhappy with your current major or want to transfer to WSU, DTC is an adaptable major for you to consider.More information . . .
Evergreen article
WSU Today article
Website Information
DTC degree requirements
DTC minor requirementsDTC Career Opportunities (these and more . . .)
Art direction Internet development Public affairs Usability testing Information management Web development Desktop publishing Marketing, advertising Information technology Educational media Multimedia development Technical writing Entertainment media Non-profit organizations Teaching Game Design Print production Content development Graphic arts Professional writing Research Graduate School
Project management
Do you want to know more?
Contact one of the DTC Advisors: Dr. Ericsson or Dr. Arola