ENGL 355 Multimedia Authoring: Exporing the New Rhetorics

From the HMA Part One Assignment
--ideas for Peer Review

“This is a tricky composition task since you're being asked to compose an argument about what constitutes an argument.”

? Is the web-text you’re reviewing an argument about what makes a hypertext, multimedia argument?

“You are basically going to be composing a web-based text that extends, reforms, stretches, or otherwise transforms the definition of traditional, linear, paper-based argument.”

? Does the web-text you’re reviewing extend, reform, stretch, or transform the traditional definition of argument? Explain how it does or does not accomplish this goal.

“Your web-based composition will be arguing for a definition in two ways--it will be making claims about what makes a HMA while actually illustrating those claims in the way it is composed. Your HMA should be an example of a HMA.”

? Does the web-text you’re reviewing make claims and illustrate those claims about what an HMA is or should be?

And how about the design of the web-text? Are Visual Design Principles considered? Is the composer using all font, type, graphics, and other elements to persuade in an effective manner? What design elements could be improved?


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