HMA 2 presentation details


You will have 8 min. each. During that time, you will provide a 5-6 minute presentation of your HMA 2 using the projection system and my computer. The rest of the time will be for feedback from your peers. The feedback you receive will be your peer review for this assignment.

Your presentation should cover the following points. You should talk about these points as you are showing the audience through your website.
> Why you decided on the particular topic and why it works well as an web-based HMA--in other words what are the benefits to making it a web-based argument.
> What your argument is and how a hypertext, multimedia environment is used to make your argument strong.
> An explanation of who your target audience for the argument is.
> How you attempted to make this argument more than a binary (two-sided) argument and show some multiple perspectives on the issue.
> Why you decided on the layout--including colors, design, fonts, navigation system, alignment, and any other parts of the layout that you made conscious decisions about.
> What multimedia you are using and why.
> Discuss your linking strategies--what you're linking to, why, and how.
> Explain the challenges you've run in to and how you've worked (or are working) to meet them.
> Any other pertinent information.

After your presentation, the class will ask you questions about any of the above information or other issues members of the class believe is pertinent. You can also ask the class to comment on a particular part of the HMA.
Please be ready to present an organized, professional presenatation of your work. The HMA 2 that you present on Thurs. or Tues. should be as finished as possible. At least a substantial part of it must be completed. Just showing a page or two and talking a lot isn't good enough. You should be able to show several completed pages of your site so that the class can ask effective questions.