DTC/ENGL 375 Language Texts and Technology
Dr. Patricia Freitag Ericsson
Revised Projects are due by 5:00 pm on Dec. 17. Carefully read the revision notes below for details. Most relevant details are highlighted in crimson.This revision recieved an overwhelmingly positive "yes" vote. The table below is the way grades will be calculated.
Class Participation 15% Includes participation in discussions based on reading of assignments and cooperative collaboration during in-class and group projects Quizzes 10% Quizzes will be given randomly during the semester and will be based on assigned readings. Brief Writing Assignments 15% Short, reseach-based writing assignments will be required throughout the semester. These will be both in-class and out-of-class assignments. Unit projects 60% Three projects each worth 20% (each includes an oral presentation of the project as part of the total). Final Project Revision of one Unit project for a new grade. See details below.
Proposal to change grading scheme and revision project (Oct. 23, 2008)
This proposal needs a majority vote from the class to be implemented. Please email Dr. Ericsson with either a "Yes" vote to approve this change or a "No" vote to keep the grading scheme the way it appears in the syllabus. Please read all elements of the proposal before voting. If you have questions before voting, please email them.
Below is the grading scheme from the syllabus:
Class Participation 15% Includes participation in discussions based on reading of assignments and cooperative collaboration during in-class and group projects Quizzes 10% Quizzes will be given randomly during the semester and will be based on assigned readings. Brief Writing Assignments 15% Short, reseach-based writing assignments will be required throughout the semester. These will be both in-class and out-of-class assignments. Unit projects 45% Three projects each worth 15% (each includes an oral presentation of the project as part of the total). Final Project 15% Revision of one Unit project The change would do the following:
1. Combine the Unit project and Final Project percentages to total 60%.
2. Assign each of the three main projects 20% of the course grade.
3. Allow revision of one of the main projects to completely replace that project grade.
4. All revisions would be individual efforts--no group work allowed.
5. All revisions would be based on the original project framework. No one would be allowed to start over from "scratch." Revisions would be based on feedback given to the assignment by Dr. Ericsson (and others consulted).
6. If the project is multi-part (like the map unit) both parts or just one part could be revised.
7. Grades could not be lowered with the revision, but a higher grade is not guaranteed. In order to earn a higher grade, the revision would need to be be relevant and substantial.
8. Revision is optional in this plan. If you are satisfied with the grade you got on the projects and your overall grade for the course, you do not have to revise any of the projects. (Note that it is required in the original plan).