rhetorics of sustainability:
discourse, science, and culture

ngl 597 & hort 503 fall 2006
preston k. andrews
patricia freitag ericsson


This schedule may change as the course progresses. Any updates will be made on this schedule and no paper copies will be handed out after the first day of class.

Week 1 August 24 Introduction to course:
definitions of sustainability; Sustainability by Derek Owens; discussion of definitions of sustainability
Week 2
Aug. 31 Introduction to rhetoric:
Lindeman on rhetoric, Ericsson on kairos and decorum; **** on ethos, pathos, logos, Rhetoric of Science from Gross; Rhetoric of Science from Harris
Week 3
Sept. 7 Principles of Sustainability by Simon Dresner
Week 4
Sept. 14

Guest Speaker: John Reganold Regents Professor of Soil Science
Research Article by John Swales; Ecospeak Chapter 3 by Killingsworth and Palmer ; Nature article by Reganold/Andrews; Historical Perspectives by John Pesek

Week 5
Sept. 21

Guest speaker: Tom J. Bartuska Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture and Construction Management
The economies of sustainability by John Ikerd

Ecospeak Chapter 2 and Chapter 7 by Killingsworth and Palmer

Week 6
Sept. 28 Our Common Future, The Brundtland Report
Week 7
Oct. 5

Tracking the Rhetorical Jeremiad by Opie and Elliot; assigned presentations

 Week 8
Oct. 12

Technology and Sustainability by Aidan Davison

Week 9
Oct. 19 Technology and Sustainability by Aidan Davison
Week 10
Oct. 26

WSU Sustainability Conference

Week 11
Nov. 2 Green Culture by Carl Herndl and Stuart Brown; assigned presentations
Week 12
Nov. 9 Green Culture by Carl Herndl and Stuart Brown; assigned presentations
Week 13
Nov. 16  Donald Worster Shake Grounds of Sustainability
Week 14
Nov. 30 Mindwalk
Week 15
Dec. 7  Final presentations


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