multimedia authoring: exploring the new rhetorics
engl 355 sring 2006
web-based research

Due Wed. May 3 by midnight

For this assignment you must complete a web-based research project that analyzes and compares and constrasts two of the sites listed below. Some sites have similar subject matter and lend themselves well to comparison that begins with topic. Other sites are different in layout and design and may lend themselves to a comparison that begins with design. As you look at the sites below, you may find other beginning points in sets of sites.

The requirements of this assignment go beyond a beginning comparison however. If you simple compare on one element (like subject matter or design) you will NOT have completed the assignment successfully. You must choose several analysis and comparison/contrast elements. These must be based on the readings we've done in class this semester. Some possibilities might be the following (this list below is not complete--other elements have been covered and you are encouraged to use them).

Possible elements:
> use of typography and/or punctuation(Helfand and Solomon)
> argumentative/persuasive content (Foss, Foss, and Trapp, Hobbs, Birdsell and Groarke)
> use of images to present the argument or persuasion(Birdsell and Groarke)
> use of the elements of contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity (Ball and Arola)
> navigation style and organization (Manovich, Burbles)
> how links are used to support the site (Burbles)
>remember McCloud too and think of ways you might be able to use his work.

Assignment specifics:
* You must use at least three elements for your analysis/comparison/contrast.
* You must cite appropriate passages from the readings you have completed this semester.
* The project must be web-based, but can be very textual (if you desire). It must be linked to your portal page.
* The project must include links to the sites being analyzed as they are appropriate-- for example if you are analyzing the use of a graphic on a page, it would make sense to link to that graphic.
* The project must be a well-organized, well-composed research project, not just a listing of elements.
* You may be as creative (or not) as you want to be as long as you meet the requirements of the assignment.

Sites to choose from
American Association of Retired People
National Rifle Association
National Public Radio
Northwest Public Radio
United Nation's Educational, Science, and Cultural Organization
Independence Hall Association
The American Conservative Union
Radical Conservative
Jesus is a Liberal
Catholic Online
Jewish Resources on the Web
United Methodist Church
Lutheran Churches Online
Homepage for all Baptists
About Buddhism
The Lahore Ahmadiyya Muslim Movement
The Republican National Committee
The Democratic Party
Libertarian Party
The Green Party USA
Log Cabin Republicans
Stonewall Democrats

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