Lab 12: Groundwater



-     Porosity

-     Permeability

-     Be able to identify and describe…

-     Water table

-     Potentiometric surface

-     Zones of recharge & discharge 

-     Groundwater/unconfined & confined aquifers

-     Aquifer / aquitard

-     artesian wells

-     cone of depression



            Groundwater: water within fully saturated bedrock or unconsolidated sediment

            Water table: to top surface of groundwater

            Porosity: volume of void space in sediment or bedrock - higher porosity = more voids

            Permeability: ease of water flow through a rock - permeable v. impermeable

            Aquifers: permeable bedrock that conducts water (sandstones, unconsolidated sediments,


            Confining beds: impermeable bedrock that prevent the flow of water (clay, mudstone,

shale, igneous and metamorphic rocks)


Caves and Karst:

            Karst: dissolution of underlying soluble rock (limestone)

            Figure 12.2 - Sinkholes, solution valleys, springs, disappearing streams, caves

            Water saturated in calcite may precipitate crystals - stalactites, stalagmites


Groundwater Withdrawal: Figure 12.10

            Well: hole dug into the ground

Unconfined beds: no aquitard above, water not under pressure

Confined: aquitard above and below permeable unit - water may be under pressure

Potentiometric surface: water-pressure surface

            Artesian wells: when the top of the well is below the water-pressure surface

Recharging: replenishing the aquifer from rainfall, snowmelt or rising groundwater

            Figure 12.9 - Cone of depression: downdrawal of water around well