

What is a Glacier?

          -large mass of ice that forms on land areas

          -amount of accumulation must be greater than ablation


Zone of Accumulation:  where snow and ice accumulates

Zone of Ablation:  Where melting occurs

Terminus:  The farthest extent of a glacier



Large scale glaciation covering surfaces of continents…Antarctica

Alpine Glaciation: S

Smaller scale glaciation that occurs in mountains…Mt Rainer, Glacier Natl Park


Different Kinds of Glaciers pg 246

          -ice sheet is a vast shield of ice usually kms thick

          -valley glaciers are long and flow down valleys

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-Till is loose material left behind by glaciers


Many Terms to review in charts on pages 248-249 Main ones:

          -Terminal, Lateral and Medial Moraines

          -Drumlins, EskersLoess

          -Cirque, Arete, Horn, Glacial Trough, Striations and Polish

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Glaciers as Global Thermometers….


Glaciers grow during Icehouses

Glaciers recede during Hothouses