Lab 5 Igneous Rocks


There are lots of terms here that you should review before lab…

Look closely at figures 5.2 and 5.3 before coming to lab


-Igneous rocks form when a molten lava, or magma cools and solidifies into a body of rock.


Rock Cycle pg. 78


Two main kinds of Igneous Rocks…


When magma within the earth solidifies it forms an Intrusive.



When lava is erupted and solidifies on the surface of the earth it forms an Extrusive. 



Look at figure 5.1 on page 93 for a diagram of specific details


Textures of Igneous Rocks


“Texture” is a description of minerals present and their sizes, shapes and arrangements.


Intrusive textures    Phaneritic = coarse grained, formed from slow cooling


Extrusive textures   Aphanitic = fine grained, rapid cooling (quenched)


*Porphyritic* = melt cooled for a little while, then erupted and quenched- get large xtals in glassy groundmass (groundmass?)


See Fig 5.2 on page 94 for a good chart of more textures and minerals


Minerals in Igneous Rocks…


Quartz, Muscovite, Biotite, Olivine, K-fsp, Plag fsp, Amphibole, Pyroxene...


Mafic Minerals = Dark colored, Biotite, Olivine, Pyroxene etc


Felsic Minerals = Light colored, Qtz, Muscovite, Feldspars


Intrusive and Extrusive equivalents…fig 5.3 pg 95


Intrusive ->   Extrusive

Granite   ->   Rhyolite

Diorite    ->  Andesite

Gabbro   ->   Basalt




If a felsic magma is allowed to cool slowly within the earth it would have a Phaneritic texture composed mainly of interlocking, coarse grained, quartz, plag fsp, K fsp and some biotite and amphibole.  Using the flow chart in fig 5.2 this would be called a Granite


Conversely, if the same felsic magma were suddenly erupted onto the surface of the earth via a volcano, it would have an Aphanitic texture that would look like really small minerals <1mm.  The same minerals as above may be present, but because they are so small you can infer that the rock formed rapidly, outside the earth and would be called Rhyolite




*How to identify an igneous rock*


1.     Identify the rocks texture


2.     Identify the rocks “color index” ie. Amt. of Mafic vs Felsic Minerals


3.     Classify the rock with flowchart on figure 5.2


~sounds simple enough~