Lab 7: Metamorphic Rocks



-          Two types of metamorphism

-          Identification of metamorphic rocks

-          Infer parent (protolith) rocks

-          Review major rock types and the rock cycle

-          Identification of the three rock types



            Metamorphic rocks: rocks changed from one form to another by intense heat, intense

pressure, or the action of watery hot fluids

            Protolith: the parent rock that was metamorphosed

            Figure 7.1, pg 134

            Metamorphic grade: the intensity of deformation

            Metamorphic minerals:

                        Quartz, feldspars (plagioclase and potassium), muscovite, biotite, chlorite, garnet,

tourmaline, calcite, dolomite, serpentine, talc, kyanite, sillimanite, and amphibole


Metamorphic Processes:

            Contact metamorphism:

-          occurs locally, adjacent to igneous intrusions

-          hydrothermal metamorphism: occurs along fractures that are in contact with watery hot (hydrothermal) fluids

-          days to thousands of years

-          intensity decreases rapidly over a short distance

-          zone of metamorphism millimeters to tens of meters thick

Regional metamorphism:

-          very large areas (regions), deep within the cores of rising mountain ranges, accompanied by folding of rock layers

-          large igneous intrusions

-          thousands to tens of millions of years

-          extreme pressure and heat from deep burial or tectonic movements

-          widespread migration of hot fluids along fractures and pore space

Most major intrusions are preceded by contact meta. and followed by regional meta.

            Mineralogical composition: description of the kinds and relative abundances of mineral

crystals that comprise the rock (same definition again)

                        - May change from a parent rock to a metamorphic rock

            Recrystallization: small crystals of one mineral will slowly convert to fewer, larger

crystals without melting

            Neomorphism: minerals not only recrystallized, but also form different minerals from the

same chemical elements

            Metasomatism: chemicals are added or lost to form new minerals



Texture: description of its constituent parts and their sizes, shapes and arrangements

Foliated textures:

            Foliations: layering and parallel alignment of platy (flat) mineral crystals

            Slaty rock cleavage: very flat foliation developed along closely spaced shear

planes (microscopic faults) in tightly folded clayey or mica-rich rocks

- low-grade metamorphism

                        Phyllite: wavy and or wrinkled foliation of cryptocrystalline (too small to be

seen) platy minerals that give it a metallic luster

- intermediate-grade metamorphism

                        Schistosity: scaly glittery layering of visible platy minerals and or linear

alignment of long prismatic crystals (tourmaline, hornblende, kyanite)

                                    - intermediate to high-grade metamorphism

                        Gneissic banding: alternating layers or lenses of light and dark medium to coarse-

grained minerals

                                    - light and dark bands from mafic and felsic minerals

                                    - high-grade metamorphism

            Non-foliated textures:

                        Crystalline: medium to coarse-grained aggregate of intergrown, equigranular

visible crystals

                        Microcrystalline: very fine-grained aggregate of intergrown microscopic crystals

                        Sandy: medium to coarse-grained aggregate of fused sand-sized grains

                        Glassy: homogeneous texture with no visible grains or other structures

            Other features:

                        Stretched or sheared grains: deformed pebbles, fossils or mineral crystals

                        Porphyroblastic: arrangement of large crystals (porphyroblasts) set in a finer-

grained groundmass

                        Hydrothermal veins: fractures filled by minerals that precipitated from

hydrothermal fluids

                        Folds: bends in rock layers that were initially flat

                        Lineations: lines on rocks at the edges of foliations, shear planes, slaty cleavage,

folds or aligned crystals


Identification of Metamorphic Rocks:

            Figure 7.15, pg 143

1.      Determine textural features

2.      Determine the mineralogical composition

3.      Use Figure 7.15

4.      Infer the protolith of the rock