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Alpine Glaciation Features

Continental Glaciation Features

Cirque - bowl-shaped depression on a high mountain slope, formed by a cirque glacier

Drumlins - streamlined hill, asymmetrical in lengthwise profile with steep slope facing the direction from which the ice came

Horn Arete - steep-sided, pyramid-shaped peak produced by headward erosion of several cirques

Esker - long, narrow, sinuous ridge of drift deposited by meltwater streams flowing under glacial ice

Glaical Trough - u-shaped, steep-walled, glaciated valley formed by the scouring action of a valley glacier

Ground Moraine - sheetlike layer (blanket) of till left on the landscape by a receding glacier

End/Terminal Moraine - ridge of till that forms at the farthest advance of a glacier

Lateral Moraine - Ridge of till formed from melting ice and mass wasting at the side of a valley glacier

Medial Moraine - ridge of till either in transit or deposited along the boundary between two tributary glaicers that have merged to forma larger valley glacier

Images from Topo Zone, definitions from Busch and Tasa's Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology, Sixth Edition