Acer glabrum
Rocky Mountain maple
Hardiness: USDA Zone
Water use: Moderate to low.
Light: Full sun to shade.
Size: 10-30 feet tall.
Plant habit: Small, deciduous, multi-stemmed tree.
Native range: Cascade Mountains to Rocky Mountains; native in Washington
Leaves: Green leaves, turning yellow, orange, or red in the fall.
Have 3 to 5 lobes.
Stems: Twigs are typically red (sometimes green) and provide winter
Fruit: The green, winged fruit (samaras) may turn red.
Other: Also called "Douglas' maple." Excellent native tree to use
in place of Acer ginnala, the Amur maple.
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Page creators:
Virginia I. Lohr
and Caroline H. Pearson-Mims
Dept. of Hort &
LA, Washington St. Univ.
Page updated: June 8, 2001