List of publications
The following are divided into primary research publications, review
articles, and pedagogical publications.
Primary Research Publications
Lord, J.C.and Omoto, C.K., 2012. Eugregarines reduce susceptibility of the hide beetle,
Dermestes maculatus to apicomplexan pathogens and retard larval development. J Inv. Path 111:186-188
Toso, M.and Omoto, C.K., 2007. Ultrastructure of
Gregarina niphandrodes nucleus through stages from unassociated trophozoites to gamonts in syzygy and the syzygy junction. J Parasitology 93 (3):479-484
Rodriguez, Y., Omoto, C.K., and R. Gomulkiewicz 2007.
Individual and Population Effects of Eugregarine, Gregarina niphandrodes (Eugregarinida: Gregarinidae), on Tenebrio molitor (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) Environmental Entomology 36:(4) 681-688
Toso, M.and Omoto, C.K., 2007.
Gregarina niphandrodes may lack both a plastid genome and organelle. J. Euk. Microbiol. 54:66-72
Kuriyama, R., C. Besse, M. Geze, C.K. Omoto, J. Schrevel. 2005. Dynamic organization of microtubules and microtubule organizing centers in Lecudina tuzetae (Gregarina, Apicomplexa). Cell Motility & Cytoskeleton 62:195-209
Omoto, C.K., Toso, M., Tang, K and. Sibley, L.D., 2004.
Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) analysis of Gregarine gametocyst development. Int. J. Parasit. 34:1265-1271.
Dillon, R.H., Fauci, L.J. and C.K. Omoto. 2003.
Mathematical modeling of axoneme mechanics and fluid dynamics in ciliary and sperm motility. Dynamics of continuous, discrete and impulsive systems 10:745-757
Frey, E., C.J. Brokaw, and C.K. Omoto. 1997
Reactivation at low [ATP] distinguishes among classes of paralyzed flagella
mutants. Cell Motil. & Cytosk. 38:91-99
Omoto, C. K., T. Yagi, E. Kurimoto, and R. Kamiya.
1996. The
ability of paralyzed flagella mutants of Chlamydomonas to move.
Cell Motil. & Cytoskl. 33:88-94.
Kuriyama, R., M. Kofron, R. Essner, T. Kato, S. Dragas-Granoic,
C. K. Omoto, and A. Khodjakov. 1995. Characterization
of a minus-end directed kinesin-like motor protein from cultured mammalian
cells. J. Cell Biol. 129:1049-1059.
Kinoshita, S., T. Miki-Noumura, and C. K. Omoto. 1995.
Regulatory role of nucleotides in axonemal function. Cell Motil.Cytoskeleton. 32:46-54.
Lark, E., C. K. Omoto, and M. F. Schumaker. 1994.
Functional multiplicity of motor molecules revealed by a simple kinetic analysis.
Bioph. J. 67:1134-1140.
Lark, E., and C. K. Omoto. 1993. Paralysis
of axonemes due to the presence of dynein arms unable to use ribose-modified
ATP. Cell Mot. & Cytosk. 27:161-168.
Boitano, S. and C.K. Omoto, 1992. Analysis of trout
sperm swim patterns and the role of intracellular Ca++. Cell Mot. &
Cytosk. 21:74-82.
Omoto, C. K. 1992.Sea
urchin axonemal motion supported by fluorescent, ribose-modified analogs
of ATP. J. Musc. Res. & Cell Mot. 13:635-639.
Boitano, S. and C.K. Omoto, 1991. Membrane
hyperpolarization activates trout sperm without an increase in intracellular
pH. J. Cell Sci. 98:343-349.
Omoto, C. K., J. S. Palmer, and M. E. Moody. 1991.
Cooperativity in axonemal motion: Analysis of a four-state, two-site kinetic model. Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. 88:5562-5566.
Omoto, C. K. 1989. Mechanochemical coupling in eukaryotic
flagella. J. Theor. Biol. 137:163-169.
Omoto, C. K., and K. L. Nakamaye. 1989. ATP analogs
substituted on the 2-position as substrates for dynein ATPase activity.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 999:221-224.
Omoto, C. K., and C. J. Brokaw. 1989.
2-chloro adenosine triphosphate as substrate for sea urchin axonemal movement.
Cell Mot. & Cytosk. 13:239-244.
Omoto, C. K., and M. E. Moody. 1988.
Kinetics of vanadate dissociation: Estimation of rate by inhibitor inactivation.
Anal. Bioch. 168:337-344.
Omoto, C. K., and K. A. Johnson. 1986. Activation
of dynein ATPase by microtubules. Biochem. 25:419-427.
Omoto, C. K., and C. J. Brokaw. 1985. Bending
patterns of Chlamydomonas flagella: II Calcium effects on reactivated
Chlamydomonas flagella. Cell Mot. 5:53-60.
Omoto, C. K., and C. J. Brokaw. 1983. Quantitative
analysis of axonemal bends and twists in the quiescent state of Ciona
sperm flagella. Cell Mot. & Cytosk. 3:247-259.
Omoto, C. K., and C. J. Brokaw. 1982. Structure and
behavior of the sperm terminal filament. J. Cell Sci. 58:385-409.
Omoto, C. K., and G. B. Witman. 1981. Functionally
significant central-pair rotation in a primitive eukaryotic flagellum.
Nature. 290:708-710.
Omoto, C. K., and C. Kung. 1980.Rotation
and twist of the central-pair microtubules in the cilia of Paramecium.
J. Cell Biol. 87:33-46.
Omoto, C. K., and C. Kung. 1979. The pair of central
tubules rotates during ciliary beat of Paramecium. Nature. 279:532-534.
Review Articles
Omoto, C. K., I.R. Gibbons, R. Kamiya, C. Shingyoji, K. Takahashi, G.B.
Witman. 1999. Rotation of the central-pair of microtubules in eukaryotic
flagella. Mol. Biol. Cell 10:1-4.
Omoto, C.K., 1995. Structural and functional hierarchy
of eukaryotic cilia and flagella. European Journal of Histochemistry 39:85-90
Omoto, C.K., 1994. Modified Nucleotides as Probes
for Dynein. In: G. Witman, ed., Cilia and Eukaryotic Flagella, Methods
in Cell Biology 47:507-510.
Omoto, C. K. 1991. Mechanochemical coupling in cilia.
Int. Rev. Cytol. 131:255-292.
Pedagogical Publication and Programs
Articles published in Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching, Proceedings of the annual conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE) can be found at
Updated April 29, 2009