Animal Structure and Function


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Table of Contents

Animal Structure and Function

Keywords: importance of size, scaling, collagen, ascorbate, hydroxyproline

Objectives of the second half of the course

In the second half will discuss the basic functional needs of organisms

This section introduces overall themes we will come back to:

1. Organisms have similar functional needs


Sea anemone

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Example: Size Does Matter (scaling effects)

What is it like for a mayfly to hatch out of a stream?

E. coli swimming in water -- is like a human swimming in hot asphalt

How do insects cling to vertical surfaces?

Example: scaling of skeletons

What happens if you double the linear dimension of an animal?

To avoid weaker skeletons on large animals, the skeleton size increases disproportionately

The relationship between skeleton size and body mass for a variety of mammals

The relationship between skeleton size and body mass for a variety of mammals

A mouse-sized elephant would have a skeleton around 5 times heavier than a mouse

3) To understand how the functional needs of organisms are met, we need to integrate information about:


Structure of collagen

What happens when there is faulty collagen: Scurvy

Why did this happen?

Why does the improper amino acid sequence have deleterious effects?

The pompeii worm Alvinella pompejana

What about animals living at high temperatures?


Author: Zoology


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