Circulation and gas exchange II (Chapter 42)


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Circulation and gas exchange II (Chapter 42)


Fish Gill

Rather than being a solid structure, the fish gill is finely subdivided to enhance gas exchange area

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Countercurrent flow

NOT countercurrent


Are gills effective in increasing surface area?

How do gill surface areas compare among different fishes?

Tracheal systems in insects

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Tracheoles supply tissues

Diffusion distance from tracheole to mitochondria is short

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Structure of the mammalian lung

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Tidal ventilation of mammalian lung

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Tidal ventilation

Birds have a more ìsophisticatedî type of lung ventilation

The avian respiratory system

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The control of breathing

Organismal respiration -- a simple view

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Why does the body sense carbon dioxide rather than oxygen?

Author: Zoology


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