Why are Spartina grasses so successful? Adaptations to anoxia and hydrogen sulfide
Spartina alterniflora and Spartina anglica
Why are physiological studies of Spartina relevant?
Spartina are physiologically resilient and vigorous
Distribution of hydrogen sulfide in sediments
Sulfide is a potent toxin to aerobic respiration
Chemoautotrophic symbiosis
Tolerating anoxic sediments
Functions of aerenchyma
Root Ultrastructure
The difference in root structure between treatments of Spartina alterniflora
A comparison of root structure between treatments of Spartina anglica
S. anglica respirometry experiments
Flow-through respirometry
Root - high O2 uptake
Root - low O2 uptake
PPT Slide
Oxygen transport is more effective in S. anglica compared with S. alterniflora
Checking for oxygen transport
Differences in oxygen transport between species
Sulfide volatilization
Sox mechanism
Spartina alterniflora roots catalyze the oxygenation of sulfide
Email: rlee@mail.wsu.edu
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