History of Washington Beta Chapter

Washington Beta Chapter was established at Washington State University in Pullman, Washington on March 9, 1915 by William C. Levere. Washington Beta was the 105th chapter to be established, and the second in the state of Washington.

The WA. Beta house has long stood at NE 865 B St., on the corner of California and B Street. In the 1950s and 60s, the house was an old wooden structure, with an elaborate yard. The yard had a man-made stream, with a waterwheel, stone bridge, and lush vegetation.

Disaster struck the house in the late 1960s when a fire all but destroyed the house. And, as the saying goes, the men of the fraternity rose from the ashes of the house's destruction to build a bigger, stronger, and more modern house that still stands today. Built of concrete and with a capacity of approximately 70 brothers, the house is in fine condition.

Washington Beta has several of its own traditions that it has carried on for years. In August, the day before Rush week starts, brothers who choose to do so make the annual run around the block-- naked. Needless to say, this is a popular evening for our neighboring sororities, Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Phi, Delta Delta Delta, and Kappa Alpha Theta.

One of the most popular traditions has been the annual Snow Bowl: a no holds barred football game between the Lions of SAE and the lowly Knights of Sigma Nu. Going into it's 23rd year of existence, the Snow Bowl has been the site of many stories told for long afterward. It isn't uncommon for fist fights to break out during the game, but afterward all is forgotten, as Sigma Nu's and SAE's have the Snow Bowl Biad-- albeit battered and bruised. With their dates nursing a black eye or jammed thumb, the two houses come together for what is often one of the best events of the year.

Another more recent tradition, and much more lighthearted, as been the dawning of the Endomorphs Basketball Team. An intramural team with good intentions, the 'ol 'Morphs just can't seem to ever get a win. The Endomorphs (a word meaning un-athletic and lazy) were established in the mid 1980's with the intent to be kind of like the Harlem Globetrotters-- with a twist. None of the players on the team had any basketball skills at all. In fact, they were the worst players in the house.

Still going strong, the Endomorphs is now a wildly popular activity for brothers to go to. Players are drafted the day of the first game, at the Coug, by team members. To make the cut, one has to be horrible at basketball and willing to make a fool of themselves. The 'Morphs always dress up in wild attire, and often intimidate (or rather, frustrate) their opponents and referees. Once, the 'Morphs were banned from intramural sports because a player rode an opponent around the gym on piggyback. A typical 'Morph might guard his own player, throw up a half court shot right after the tip off, or lay down on the court and stretch while play is going on. Nearby sororities have gotten word of the 'Morphs antics and now enjoy watching the games. Fan support is of utmost importance to the 'Morphs. Needless to say, the Endomorphs have never won a game.

Another popular tradition that is still going strong within the chapter is the Brother of the Moon. Any recent alumni should be familiar with this noble and proud secret ritual.

If you know of any Washington Beta traditions not mentioned here, or know more detail about any of the above, please email the house and we will be sure to make an addition.

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