In memory of

Jennifer Dunlap

Jennifer's boldness is seen throughout her apparel designs. One example of her boldness is this electric dress she designed out of purple and lime green satin and wore this summer on an Apparel, Merchandising and Textiles Study tour to New York .

Her fearlessness allowed her to explore life and new ideas, as well as allow her to make friends wherever she went. According to her Mom, Jenni is ..."so full of wonder, curiosity, no fear of strange places or people...and night life..."

In class Jennifer's cheerfulness lit up the room as we laughed about some silly thing. Jennifer always made those with whom she talked feel part of the group, by including them in the laughter.

On our department's trip to Portland Oregon, we wandered into a dance club where we found
ourselves in need of a bodyguard, and Jennifer came to our assistance.

Uyen Pham-Bui
Jennifer Lambson

I'll always remember Jen, afterall she helped me through the seersucker pants ordeal. She took me in as a novice sewer and helped me put them together. Believe me, it took a lot of patience on her part. One thing I will always remember is our trip to New York City. I really got to know her even better during the trip. This photo is of Jen and I at the Statue of Liberty (Jen's wearing her electric dress). New York City will never be the same again. We took the city on full force. She did many things she always wanted to do, and I'm glad I was there to experience those things with her. She taught me many things, most of all to not be afraid. I can tell you right now, she had enough courage for both of us, which was a good thing. My most vivid memory of Jen is the night we went clubbing. We had been talking about it all week. Finally, Saturday night we went to Webster Hall. I was somewhat fearful, but Jen seemed to feel right at home, and it eased my worry. I would have never gone without her, and I'm extremely thankful she was there. Jen had so many hopes and dreams, and I'm glad I got to share some of those with her. She had extremely good ideas, and was a great designer. I am thankful for the time I did get to spend with her. I'll always remember her, and I think about her often. I'll miss her.
Chrissy Blondin

Jennifer and Jennifer
Jennifer showing her fun spirit

Jennifer and her fiance Dave Sherry

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