


University of California, Davis
Department of Environmental Design
Design Program: Textile Arts and Costume Design
Davis, California 95616-8585
phone: (916) 752-6223
fax: (916) 752-1392

Hethorn, J., (1995).
Style, Choice, and Safety: Issues of Control and Fashion. SEVENTH ANNUAL PARTNERS IN PEOPLE CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, March 29, p.17.

Ashdown, S., Dallas, M.J., Hethorn, J., Salusso, C. & (1995).
Speaking of Clothes, Speaking of Problems: Older Women Get a Voice. INTERNATIONAL TEXTILES AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS., p.73.

Hethorn, J., (1995).
Revolutionary Technology Gives New Eyes to Visual Analysis: Historic and Aesthetic Applications. INTERNATIONAL TEXTILES AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS., p.127.

Laky, G., (1995).
"Evening" 6/95. 19" High, 22" Diameter. Park prunings, doweled. Scheduled for exhibition in 1996.

Laky, G., (1995)
"New Bones" 8/95. 15" High, 24" Diameter. Park prunings, doweled. Exhibit: "Friends of Fiber," Banaker Gallery, San Francisco, CA, .

Laky, G., (1995)
"From the Desert" 9/95. 30"X31"X5". Park prunings, shaved and doweled. Exhibited: "Light Interpretations," Jewish Museum, San Francisco, CA, 1995. Published: CATALOG: LIGHT INTERPRETATIONS, JEWISH MUSEUM, San Francisco, CA, 1995.

Laky, G., (1995)
"Affirmative I" 9/95. 32"X31"X4". Telephone wire and park prunings, doweled (Series in progress). Scheduled for exhibition in 1996.

Laky, G., (1995)
"Affirmative II" 12/95. 14"X30"X14". Walnut prunings and milled lumber, doweled. Scheduled for exhibition: "Raising the Curtain: Six Fiberworks Artists," San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, 1995.

Laky, G., (1996)
"Hotbed" 7/96. 22"x22"x22". Apricot prunings doweled. Exhibited: Brown Grotta Gallery, Wilton, CT, 1996. Published: Catalog Brown Grotta exhibition, l996.

Laky, G., (1996)
"Symbiosis" 8/96. 15"x12"x12". Apple prunings with vinyl coated steel nails. Exhibited: Brown Grotta Gallery, Wilton, CT, 1996. Published: Catalog Brown Grotta exhibition, l996.

Laky, G., (1996)
"Four Corners" 8/96. 12"x18"x18". Apple prunings with vinyl coated steel nails. Exhibited: Brown Grotta Gallery, Wilton, CT, 1996. Published: Catalog Brown Grotta exhibition, l996.

Laky, G., (1996)
"Symbiosis" 8/96. 15"x12"x12". Apple prunings with vinyl coated steel nails. Exhibited: Brown Grotta Gallery, Wilton, CT, 1996. Published: Catalog Brown Grotta exhibition, l996.

Laky, G., (1996)
"Warming World" 1/96. 15"x12"x12". Park prunings doweled. Exhibited: Royal Institute of British Architects Gallery, Manchester, England, 1996, and Brown Grotta Gallery, Wilton, CT, 1996. Published: Catalog Brown Grotta exhibition, l996.

Laky, G., (1996)
"Hazardous Terrain" 2/96. 75"x75"x75". Apple prunings doweled. Exhibited: Royal Institute of British Architects Gallery, Manchester, England, 1996, and Brown Grotta Gallery, Wilton, CT, 1996. Published: Catalog Brown Grotta exhibition, l996.

Rivers, V., (1995).
International Markets, CALIFORNIA GROCER pp.22-23. March.

Rivers, V., (1995).
Heavy Metal-'Light' Work: Zardozi and Gota Work of India, ARS TEXTRINA- A JOURNAL OF TEXTILES AND COSTUME. August, Vol. 23, pp.11-33.

Rivers, V., (1995).
Shining Cloth: Exploration of Cultural Context, Surface. JOURNAL OF SURAFACE DESIGN ASSOCIATION, Fall, 20:1, pp. 4-6.

Rivers, V., (1995).
Recycled Textiles: Culture or Commodity, ORNAMENT, Fall, 19:1, pp. 38-41.

Rivers, V. (1996.)
"Torans: the Textile Door Hangings of Northwest India" , ARTS OF ASIA., Hong Kong, Vol. 26, No. 3, May/ June. pp.86- 97.

Rivers, V. (1996).
REVIEW OF ARS TEXTRINA ANNUAL CONFERENCE, University of Nebraska, Fiberarts, in press.

Rivers, V. (1996).
Book Review on Zardozi: Glittering Gold Embroidery by Charu Gupta, THE INDIA MAGAZINE , October

Rivers, V. (1996).
"Gold Print: All That Glitters...", paper submitted to Ars Textrina Journal of Textiles. Submitted/under review.

Stabb, J., (1995).
Debra Rapoport, Capturing the Moment: Transcending the Ephemeral, Review of Retrospective Exhibition, UC Davis Design Gallery, Surface, JOURNAL OF THE SURFACE DESIGN ASSOCIATION, Vol.19:3,
pp. 30-31.

Stabb. J., (1995).
Riches from Rags: Saki-Ori & Other Recycling Traditions in Japanese Rural Clothing, Surface, JOURNAL OF THE SURFACE DESIGN ASSOCIATION. Winter, 19:2, pp. 26-28.

Shawcroft, B., (1995).
Essay-article with photography on Northern Fibre- I worked in the landscape: CATALOGUE/TEXO, HELSINKE, FINLAND.

The Shining Cloth: A Survey of Ethnographic Light-Reflective Textiles and Dress. This hardbound color mock-up book proposal has been submitted to seek a publisher. Limited distribution.


Freitas, A. J., Kaiser, S. G., Chandler, J., Hall, C., Kim, J.W., and T. Hammidi. (1997). Appearance management as border construction: Least favorite clothing, group distancing, and identity...not! SOCIOLGICAL INQUIRY 67(3): 232-335.

Hsieh, Y.-L., Hu, X.P., and A. Nguyen. Strength and crystalline structure of developing Acala cotton, TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL 67(7):529-536 (1997).

Jett, S. (1997). Place-naming, environment, and perception among the Canyon de Chelly Navajo of Arizona. THE PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER, 49(4): 481-493. Washington: Association of American Geographers.

Jett, S. (1997). Comments on Covey's "the Egypto-Libyan Presence in Precolumbian America. MIDWESTERN EPIGRAPHIC JOURNAL, 10(1): 35-39. Columbus: Midwestern Epigraphic society.

Jett, S. (1997). Southwest. In Paul Oliver (Ed.) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE, Vol 3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kaiser, S. B. (1996). Ethnicity, gender, and sexuality: Fashioning global textiles. Proceedings of the Textile Institute's 77th World Conference. Vol. 1(2): 281-294. Tampere University of Technology, Finland.


Kaiser, S.B., Nagasawa, R.H., and S.S. Hutton. (1997). Truth, knowledge, new clothes: Responses to Hamilton, Kean, and Pannabecker. CLOTHING AND TEXTILES RESEARCH JOURNAL, 15 (3), 184-191.

Khatua, S. and Y.-L. Hsieh. Chlorine degradation of polyether polyurethane, JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE, Polymer Chemistry Edition, 35:3263-3273 (1997).

Lin, W.P. and Y.-L. Hsieh. Ionic adsorption of polypropylene functionalized by surface grafting and reactions, JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE, Polymer Chemistry Edition, 35:631-642 (1997).

Needles, H.L. and M.-J. Park (1996). The effect of N,N-Dimethylformamide and polymer grafting on the morphology of polyester fibers in fabric substrate. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, 59: 1683-1697.

Pan, N. and X.S. Zhang. (In press). Sheer Strength of Fibrous Sheets: An experimental investigation. TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL.

Pan, N., Chen, J., Seo, M. and S. Backer. (In press). Micromechanics of a planar hybrid fibrous network, TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL.

Pan, N., Chen, H.C., Thompson, J., Inglesby, M.K., Khatua, S. Zhang, H.S. and S.H. Zeronian. (In press). The size effects on the mechanical behavior of fibers. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE.

Rucker, M., Freitas, A. and O. Huidor. (1996). Gift giving among gy men: The reification of social relations. JOURNAL OF HOMOSEXUALITY, 31: 43-56.

Rucker, M., Freitas, A. and A. Kangas. (1996). The role of ethnic identity in gift giving. In C. Otnes and R. Beltramini (Eds.), GIFT GIVING: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY ANTHOLOGY. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green University Popular Press.

Sun, G. and X. Xu. (1997). Sunflower stalks as adsorbents for color removal from textile wastewater. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH 36: 808-812.

Sun, G., Chen, T.Y., Habercom, M.S., Wheatley, W.B., and S.D. Worley

(1996). Performance of a new polymeric water disinfectant. WATER RESOURCES BULLETIN, 32:793-797.

Worley, S.D. and G. Sun. (1996). Biocidal polymers. TRENDS IN POLYMER SCIENCE, 4(11): 364-370.

Division of Textiles and Clothing
Davis, CA 95616
PHONE: 530-752-6650
FAX: 530-752-7584


(530) 752-0843

Areas of interest: Synthesis, reaction, and characterization of polymers and fibers, interfacial and surface properties, cotton fiber strength and structure, and biobased polymers.

(530) 752-5457

Areas of interest: Ethnographic textiles, their uses, and their design ad aesthetic qualities; early history of textile and dyeing technology, particularly with reference to cultural diffusion; especially tribal textiles of Central and Southwest Asia and Navajo weavings.

KAISER, SUSAN B. *WRCC representative
(530) 752-9277

Areas of interest: Cultural studies approach to the meaning of clothes, with current emphasis on cultural stereotypes linked to gender; theory construction in the social psychology of appearance and fashion; postmodernism, fashion and feminist theory; inter-connectedness in textiles and clothing subject matter.

(530) 752-6650

Areas of interest: Physical and chemical changes in polymers, fibers, dyes and finishes; dyeing and color characteristics of fibers; textile flammability; fate of polymers and fibers in the environment.

(530) 752-6234

Areas of interest: Micromechanics of fibrous assemblies (yarns, fabrics, papers, and nonwovens); strength and fracture behavior of fibers and twisted fiber structures; objective measurement and evaluation of fabric performance; analysis of fiber composites; transport properties of fibrous assemblies.

(530) 752-2018

Areas of interest: Consumer information processing and decision making in selection and use of clothing and other textile products; exchange theory (especially as applied to gift-giving process); domestic and international marketing; role of textile products in human exposure to pesticides.

(530) 752-0840

Areas of interest: Study of protective clothing against microorganisms and toxic chemicals, evaluation of thermal protective clothing, dyeing and functional finishing of fabrics, chemical modification of polymers, synthesis of functional monomers and preparation of new functional polymers, melt and wet fiber spinning technology, utilization and treatment of agriculture and textile waste materials.

(530) 752-6560

Areas of interest: Chemistry and physics of natural and manufactured fibers; degradation of cellulose by enzymatic hydrolysis, photooxidation and acid hydrolysis; properties of polyester either hydrolyzed by alkaline metal hydroxides or aminolyzed.


Colorado State University
Design, Merchandising, & Consumer Science
314 Gifford Bldg.
Fort Collins, CO 80523
Phone: (970) 491-1629
Fax: (970) 491-7252

Ashdown, S., Dallas, M.J., Hethorn, J., & Salusso, C. (1995).
Speaking of clothes, speaking of problems: Older women get a voice (summary). INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS, 73.

Bickle, M.C., Kotsiopulos, A., Dallas, M.J., & Eckman, M. (1995).
Fit of women's jeans: An exploratory study using disconfirmation paradigm. JOURNAL OF CONSUMER SATISFACTION/DISSATISFACTION & COMPLAINING BEHAVIOR, 8, 208-213.

Bickle, M.C., Kotsiopulos, A., Williams, K., & Johnson, L. (1995).
Marketing strategies for small manufacturers: An exploratory study of retail buyers' disconfirmation (summary). INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS, 126.

Brandt, B., Burns, L.D., Dallas, M.J., Kaiser, S.B., Lennon, S.J., & Salusso, C. (1995).
Interdisciplinary research within textiles and apparel: The agony and the ecstasy. INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS, 25.

Brandt, B., Dallas, M.J., & Zheng, D.M. (1994).
Fabric-caused differences in human skin temperature and hydration (summary). INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS, 70.

Brown, D.M., Cameron, B., Burns, L.D., Dallas, M.J., Chandler, J., & Kaiser, S. (1994).
Effect of sensory interaction on descriptions of fabrics (summary). INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS, 87.

Burns, L.D., Brown, D.M., Cameron, B., Chandler, J., & Dallas, M.J. (1995).
Sensory interaction and descriptions of fabric hand. PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS, 81, 120-122.

Carlson, L. (1995).
THE FATEFUL FORTIES: AT HOME--AT WAR--AT PEACE. Exhibit at OneWest Art Center, Fort Collins, CO.

Clemons, S. (1995).
The exploration of personal ancestry enhances appreciation of multicultural diversity (summary). INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS, 71.

Dallas, M.J., Brandt, B., Smitley, R., & Salusso, C. (1994).
Sensory perceptions of fabric: Gender differences (summary). INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS, 80.

Dallas, M.J., Bickle, M., Kotsiopulos, A., & Eckman, M. (1995).
Women's jeans: An examination of relationships among sizes, body shape and fit sites (summary). INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS, 98.

Eckman, J., Kotsiopulos, A., & Bickle, M.C. (1997).
Store patronage behavior of Hispanic vs. non-Hispanic consumers: Comparative analyses of demographics, psychographics, store attributes, and information sources. HISPANIC JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 19(1), 68-82.

Eckman, M., & Frey, D. (1997).
Ethical issue for sourcing: The case of Esprit de Corps. In N. Rabolt & J.K. Miler (Eds), CONCEPTS AND CASES IN RETAIL AND MERCHANDISE MANAGEMENT (pp.303-305). New York: Fairchild.

Eckman, M., Kotsiopulos, A., & Bickle, M.C. (1995).
Hispanic and non-Hispanic consumers: An examination of store patronage (summary). INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS, 130.

Eckman, M, & Wagner, J. (1995).
Aesthetic aspects of the consumption of fashion design: The conceptual and empirical challenge. ADVANCES IN CONSUMER RESEARCH, 22, 646-649.

Ferreira, L, Schulle, J., Brandt, B., & Carlson, L. (1995).
Deacidification of historic textiles (summary). INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS, 87.

Frey, D., & Eckman, M. (1997).
Lingerie Incorporated. In N. Rabolt & J.K. Miler (Eds), CONCEPTS AND CASES IN RETAIL AND MERCHANDISE MANAGEMENT (pp. 140-144). New York: Fairchild.

Haslam, T., & Oliver, B.A. (1995).
Mass customization of apparel products: Perceptions of female college students (summary). INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS, 85.

Huddleston, P.T., & Oliver, B.A. (1995).
Canadian exporting and non-exporting apparel firms: An analysis of manger-related variables. CLOTHING AND TEXTILES RESEARCH JOURNAL, 13 (3), 165-171.

Kotsiopulos, A., & Eckman, M. (1997).
Competitive dilemma: Advance or retreat? In N. Rabolt & J.K. Miler (Eds), CONCEPTS AND CASES IN RETAIL AND MERCHANDISE MANAGEMENT (pp. 119-121). New York: Fairchild.

Kotsiopulos, A., & Eckman, M. (1997).
Canine computer caper. In N. Rabolt & J.K. Miler (Eds), CONCEPTS AND CASES IN RETAIL AND MERCHANDISE MANAGEMENT (pp. 251- 252). New York: Fairchild.

Kotsiopulos, A., & Eckman, M. (1997).
Sub-par inventory. In N. Rabolt & J.K. Miler (Eds), CONCEPTS AND CASES IN RETAIL AND MERCHANDISE MANAGEMENT (pp. 107-109). New York: Fairchild.

Murray, P., & Sparks, D. (1995).
Enchanted evening cloak (award winner for best student design). INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS, 145.

Murray, P., Sparks, D., & Dallas, M.J. (1995).

Oliver, A., Dallas, M.J., & Eckman, M. (1995).
An examination of readability of textiles and apparel related publication in retail/marketing business subject matter (summary). INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS, 82.

Oliver, B.A., & Eckman, M. (1995).
PROXIMITY OF SELF AND CONSUMER DECISION-MAKING FOR FURNITURE: A SELF CONCEPT PERSPECTIVE. Paper presented at 2nd Recent Advances in Retailing & Services Science Conference, Broadbeach, Gold Coast, Australia.

Oliver, B, & Carlson, L. (1996).
Documentation of historic quilts using CD-ROM: Teaching tool and preservation technique. COMPUTER APPLICATION TO TEXTILES AND APPAREL: ITAA MONOGRAPH #8, 27-29.

Salusso, C., Dallas, M.J., & Smitley, R. (1995).
Grouping textiles as a means to decoding human perceptions. INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS, 67.

Sanders, E., & Weiss, W. (1995).

Sanders, E., & Weiss, W. (1995).

Sanders, E., & Hillestad, R. (1995).
Walls of Beijing (award winner for technical excellence, student category). INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS, 175.

Sparks, D., & Oliver, B. (in press).
Emerald elegance: Documentation of design research ARS TEXTRINA.

Sparks, T., Beyer, K., & Oliver, B. (1995).
Proximity of clothing to self: Extension of the framework to another product category. INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS, 53.

Valentine, J., Sparks, D., & Else, J. (1995).


Margaret Ritchie School of Family and Consumer Sciences
Moscow, ID 83844
Phone: (208) 885-7664
Fax: (208)885-5751

Locker, S. (1995).
Jitex: A case study of apparel marketing in the Czech Republic. INTERNATIONAL MARKETING REVIEW, 12 (5), 49-59.

Locker, S. (1993).
Evolving apparel markets and sourcing opportunities in Hungary and the Czech Republic. FOURTH ACADEMIC APPAREL RESEARCH CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, Raleigh, NC.

Loker, S. (1993).
Qualitative and quantitative approaches to the social aspects of dress. In Davis, L. & Lennon, S. (eds.), SOCIAL ASPECTS OF DRESS. Monmouth, CO: International Textiles and Apparel Association.

Loker, S., Good, L., & Huddleston, P. (1994).
East European markets: Lessons from K-mart. JOURNAL OF RETAILING AND CONSUMER SCIENCES, 1 (2), 101- 106.

Loker, S. and Hennon, C., and Heck, R.K.Z. (1995).
Three years later. In Heck, R.K.Z., Owen, A.J., and Rowe, B.R. (eds.), HOME-BASED EMPLOYMENT AND FAMILY LIFE, (167-192), New York: Auburn House.

Loker, S., Owen, A.J., and Stafford, K. (1995).
The community connection. In Heck, R.K.Z. and Owen, A.J., and Rowe, B.R. (eds.), HOME-BASED EMPLOYMENT AND FAMILY LIFE, 135-166. New York: Auburn House.


Department of Health and Human Development
Herrick Hall
P.O. Box 173540
Bozeman, MT 59717-3540
Phone: (406) 994-3241
Fax: (406) 994-2013

B.A. Tatarka (1997).
Salute. Apparel design piece to be presented at the 1997 ITAA MEETING.

B.A. Tatarka. Lable it. Apparel design piece. Work in progress.

B.A. Tatarka. Indo. Influence. Apparel design piece. Work in progress.


Apparel, Interiors, Housing & Merchandising
224 Milam Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331-5101
Phone: (541)737-3796
Fax: (541) 737-0993

Brandt, B., Burns, L. D., Dallas, M. J., Kaiser, S. B., Lennon, S. J., Salusso, C. (1995).
Interdisciplinary research within textiles and apparel: The agony and the ecstasy. In C. M. Ladish (Ed.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE & APPAREL ASSOCIATION, Monument, CO: ITAA.

Bryant, N. O. (1995).
An investigation of the Bias Cut Gowns of Madeleine Vionnet. Paper presented at the REGION V SYMPOSIUM OF THE COSTUME SOCIETY OF AMERICA, San Luis Obispo, CA.

Burns, L. D., Brown, D., Cameron, B. Chandler, J., Dallas, M. J., Kaiser, S. B. (1995).
Sensory interaction and descriptions of fabric hand. PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS, 81, 120-122.

Burns, L. D., & Bryant, N. O. (1997).
THE BUSINESS OF FASHION: DESIGNING, MANUFACTURING AND MARKETING. New York: Fairchild. Burns, Leslie Davis, & Bryant, Nancy O. (1997). Instructor's guide: The business of fashion. New York: Fairchild Publications. 90 pp.

Burns, L. D., Lennon, S. J., & Choi, M. (1995).
Effect of "environmentally sound" manufacturing processes and labeling on consumers' evaluations of natural fiber products. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ANNUAL MEETING (p. 128). Monument, CO: ITAA.

Burns, Leslie Davis. (1996).
Do You See What I See? The Effect of Dress on Social Perception", Distinguished Scholar Lecture at the annual meeting of the INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION, August 1996, Banff, Alberta. Presentation published in the Proceedings, pp. 5-8.

Chang, Younhwa, Burns, Leslie D., Sibley, Lucy R., & Noel, Charles J. (1996).
Attitudinal versus normative influence in the purchase of brand name casual apparel. FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES RESEARCH JOURNAL, 25 (1), 79-109.

Caughey, C. & Francis, S. K (1995).
Level of involvement in relation to satisfaction with a student-owned dining facility. JOURNAL OF CONSUMER SATISFACTION/DISSATISFACTION AND COMPLAINING BEHAVIOR, 8, 234-238.

Caughey, C., Francis, S. K, & Nafis, D. A. (1995).
Expectations and users' satisfaction with a university dining facility. PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS, 82, 187-191.

Chen, H. (1996).
Characterizing naturally colored cotton fibers by ATR infrared spectroscopy. In C. M. Ladish (Ed.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE & APPAREL ASSOCIATION, Monument, CO: ITAA.

Chen, Hsiou-Lien, Foreman, D. W., and Jakes, K. A. (1996).
"X-Ray Diffractometric Study of Archaeological Mineralized Plant Fiber Microstructure." ARCHAEOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY: ORGANIC, INORGANIC, AND BIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS, ACS Symposium Series 625, American Chemical Society, Washington DC.

Chen, Hsiou-Lien, Jakes, K. A. and Foreman, D. W. (1996).
"SEM, EDS, and FTIR Examination of Archaeological Mineralized Plant Fibers" TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL ,66(4), 219-224.

Choi, M., and Burns, L.D.
"Development of the Textile Knowledge Inventory." PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION, August 1996, Banff, Alberta. (p. 61).

Coglas, M., Jordan, C. L., & Burns, L. D. (1995).
The process of moral development: A comparison of home economics, business,and liberal arts students. In C. M. Ladish (Ed.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE & APPAREL ASSOCIATION. Monument, CO: ITAA.

Fails, S. & Francis, S. K (1996).
Effect of demographic variables on self concept of positive and negative word-of-mouth. JOURNAL OF CONSUMER SATISFACTION/DISSATISFACTION AND COMPLAINING BEHAVIOR, 9, 200-206.

Gallett, K. S., & Pedersen, E. L. (1996).
Rural and urban differences in boys' clothing in a western state in 1893. In C. M. Ladisch (Ed.). PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE & APPAREL ASSOCIATION (p. 78). Monument, CO: ITAA.

Jordan, C. L. & Burns, L. D. (1994).
Assessing the effectiveness of writing-across-the- curriculum assignments using student evaluators [abstract]. In C. M. Ladish (Ed.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE & APPAREL ASSOCIATION (p. 140). Monument, CO: ITAA.

Jordan, C.L. & Burns, L. D. (1996).
Using the World Wide Web in teaching: Is it an effective tool? In C. M. Ladisch (Ed.). PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE & APPAREL ASSOCIATION (p. 62). Monument, CO: ITAA

Jordan, C. L., Burns, L. D., Coglas, M., & Choi, M. (1995).
Ethical decision-making: determinants and moderators. In C. M. Ladish (Ed.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE & APPAREL ASSOCIATION (p. 40). Monument, CO: ITAA.

Jordan, C. L., & Mullet, K. (1995).
Use of the teaching portfolio to enhance and evaluate teaching. In C. M.Ladish (Ed.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE & APPAREL ASSOCIATION (pp. 32-33). Monument, CO: ITAA.

Jung, J., Lee, M., Pedersen, E., Rudd, N. A., Salusso, C., & Lennon, S. J. (1996).
Body image: Pedagogy, research, and outreach. In C. M. Ladisch (Ed.). PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE & APPAREL ASSOCIATION (pp. 30-33). Monument, CO: ITAA

Lennon, S.J., Burns, L.D., Lee, S., and Choi, M.
"Market assessment for cotton socks." PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION, August 1996, Banff, Alberta. (p. 52).

Lennon, S. J., Burns, L. D., & Rowold, K. L. (1995).
Dress and human behavior research: Sampling, subjects, and consequences for statistics. CLOTHING AND TEXTILES RESEARCH JOURNAL, 13 (4), 262-272.

Mead, P. C., & Pedersen, E. L. (1985).
West African apparel textiles depicted in selected magazines from 1960 to 1979: Application of cultural authentication. FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES RESEARCH JOURNAL, 23 (4), 430-452.

Pedersen, E. L. (1995).
Deciphering the Ormsby gown: What does it tell? NEVADA HISTORICAL SOCIETY QUARTERLY, 38 (2), 75-88.

Pedersen, E. L., & Lawson, L. (1995).
The Logan Knitting Mills, 1949 to 1980: Perspectives on success and failure. ARS TEXTRINA, 23, 143-156.

Pedersen, E. L. (1996).
Designers; Historic views, A discussant's view. In C. M. Ladisch (Ed.). PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE & APPAREL ASSOCIATION (p. 103). Monument, CO: ITAA

Pedersen, E. L., & Bryant, N. O. (1996).
A curriculum strategy for infusing a specific knowledge area in apparel design and merchandising programs: A case study. In C. M. Ladisch (Ed.). PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE & APPAREL ASSOCIATION (p. 130). Monument, CO: ITAA


Washington State University
Department of Apparel, Merchandising & Interior Design
Pullman, WA 99164-2020.
Phone: (509) 335-7949
Fax: (509) 335-7299

Ashdown, S., Dallas, M.J. & Hethorn, J. Salusso, C., (1995).
Speaking of clothes, speaking of problems: older women get a voice. In C. M.Ladish (Ed.),

Brandt, A., Brown, D., Burns, L. D., Cameron, B., Chandler, J., Dallas, M. J., Kaiser, S., Lennon, S., Pan, N., Salusso, C., & Smitley, R. (alphabetical) (1998). Development of a method to measure the individual and joint effects of visual and tactile perceptions of fabrics. JOURNAL OF TEXTILE INSTITUTE #1, 65-77.

Cho, J. (1999). Retail Firms’ Sourcing Governance Choice for Apparel : Shared-control Mode vs. Integrated Mode. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE & APPAREL ASSOCIATION. MONUMENT, CO.

Cho, J. & Kang, J. (1998). Consumers’ attitude toward clothing coupons: An exploratory study. FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCE RESEARCH JOURNAL, 26 (3), 328-345.

Cho, J. (1998). An empirical assessment of the internet retailing for clothing: motivational, behavior, psychological and demographic variables. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE & APPAREL ASSOCIATION. MONUMENT, CO.

Cho, J & Kang, J. Organizational governance of global sourcing by U.S. apparel retail firms. Accepted for presentation in the 1998 CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN MARKETING ASSOCIATION.

Cho, J & Kang, J (1998). Global sourcing in retailing: Benefits and obstacles perceived by U.S. Apparel retail firms. Presented at NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN COLLEGE RETAILING ASSOCIATION.

Cho, J., Kang, J, & Sullivan, P. (1997). QR Revisit: Perceived profitability of QR implementation. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE & APPAREL ASSOCIATION. MONUMENT, CO.

Cho, J. & Kang, J. (1996). Factors affecting consumers’ attitude toward clothing coupons: Psychological dimensions of clothing coupon proneness.

Cho, J. & Kang, J. (1995). The underlying dimensions of fashion opinion leadership. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE & APPAREL ASSOCIATION. MONUMENT, CO.

Cho, J & Kang, J. (1994). An experimental study on consumers’ attitude toward clothing coupons. Presented at NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN COLLEGE RETAILING ASSOCIATION.

Evenson, S., Salusso, C., Trayte, D., Kearney, K., Strait, J., Thompson, J.A. & Loker, S. (1995). Crossing the borders: collaboration between two textiles and apparel programs. In C. M.Ladish (Ed.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE & APPAREL ASSOCIATION, MONUMENT, CO: ITAA.

Jacob, J.B. (1999). Personal vision and feminist epistemologies from a male standpoint: Implications for 21st century textiles and apparel researchers.

Jacob, J. B.(1995). Serving knowledge: The gender challenge. In "The microphysics of change: Sampling theory or the post-theory of sampling."

Jacob, J.B. (1994). The Fringe of the fringe: The radical drag of Baltimore's Haus of Frau. In "Transgressive femininity in literature, mass media and

Jacob, J.B. (1990). Stylistic change in men's business suits related to changes in masculine roles. In the United States, 1950-1988. ANNUAL NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF THE COSTUME SOCIETY OF AMERICA. WASHINGTON, DC.

McMurtry, J., Salusso, C., Svendson, B. & Talbot, W. (1996). Integrating design and research into product development. In C. M.Ladish (Ed.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE & APPAREL ASSOCIATION, Monument,

Pedersen, E.L., Markee, N.L., & Salusso, C.J. (1995). Gender differences in characteristics reported to be important features of physical attractiveness.
PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS, 79, 1539-1544. Salusso, C. J., Borkowski, J. J., Reich, N., & Goldsberry, E. (in press). An
alternative approach to sizing apparel for women 55 and older. APPLIED ERGONOMICS.

Salusso, C., Hethorn, J. & Lin, T. (1996). Translating apparel sizing from body dimensions to apparel. In C. M.Ladish (Ed.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE & APPAREL ASSOCIATION, Monument, CO: ITAA.

Salusso, C. (1996). Teaching product development processes as interrelated tools. In C. M.Ladish (Ed.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE & APPAREL ASSOCIATION, Monument, CO: ITAA.

Salusso, C, Dallas, M.J., & Smitley, R. (1995). Grouping textiles as a means to decoding human perceptions. In C. M.Ladish (Ed.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE & APPAREL ASSOCIATION, Monument, CO: ITAA.

Summers, T.A., Salusso, C., Cassill, N., Feather, B., Dastoor, P., Kuttruff, J. (1996). Establishment of a fiber, textiles, and apparel information resource on


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Burns, Leslie Davis, Brown, Donna M., Cameron, Bruce., Chandler, Joan., Dallas, Merry Jo and Kaiser, Susan B. (1995).
Sensory interaction and descriptions of fabric hand, PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS, 81, 120- 122.

Cameron, B. A. and Brown, D. M. (1995).
A Survey of commercial laundry detergents - How effective are they? Part III - Powders, liquids and hard water, JOURNAL OF CONSUMER STUDIES AND HOME ECONOMICS, 19, 85- 97.

Cameron, B A. and Brown, D. M. (1995).
The photo- and thermal-degradation of U.S. wools. THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL WOOL TEXTILE RESEARCH CONFERENCE - Abstracts, Biella, Italy, 108-109.

Cameron, B. A. and Brown, D. M. (1995).
The photo- and thermal-degradation of U.S. wools. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL WOOL TEXTILE RESEARCH CONFERENCE, Biella, Italy, Vol II, 279-286.

Chandler, Joan., Kaiser, Susan., Socarras, Kimli., Brown, Donna., Cameron, Bruce and Smitley, Roselyn. (1995).
Consumer-generated conceptual framework of fabric descriptors: How do real people classify fabrics?, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 52ND INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION, PASADENA, 67.

Crank, W. M., Jasper, C., Meyer, S. and Sternquist, B. (1995).
The Rural retailer in tourist communities: Problems and implications for managerial strategies, JOURNAL OF TRAVEL AND TOURISM MARKETING, 4 (2), 99- 105.

Douglas, S., Bastow-Shoop, H., Jolly, L., Kean, R., Meyer, S. and Summers, T. A. (1995).
Special Topic: Images and impressions of the rural retail environment: A dialogue with consumers and retailers, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 52ND INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE AND APPAREL ASSOCIATION, Pasadena

Summers, T. A., Smith, B., Douglas, S., Meyer, S., Feinberg, R., Minshall, B. and Wessel, K. L. (1995).
Who's shopping rural America? Perception of the local marketplace and patronage behavior of rural consumers, 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RECENT ADVANCES IN RETAILING AND SERVICES SCIENCE, Broadbeach, Australia (in press).

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