President's Council on Sustainable Development. 1994. The Final Report - Sustainable America: A New Consensus for Prosperity, Opportunity, and a Healthy Environment for the Future. (p. 2-3 of highlights) Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office


"At the heart of the Council's recommendations is the conviction that economic, environmental, and social equity issues are inextricably linked and must be considered together..." (p. 2).

Highlights of Policy Changes Needed to Achieve Sustainable Development:

The policy changes include 155 specific actions designed to implement 38 major recommendations. The following outlines the major areas for change:

"Building a New Framework for a New Century" including 1) increase the cost-effectiveness of the current environmental management system by creating opportunities for attaining environmental goals at lower costs; 2) create a new, flexible and performance-based regulatory management system to achieve superior results and cost savings through innovation...(see p. 2).

"Information and Education" including 1) revamp how the federal government collects, organizes, and disseminates data on economic, environmental, and social conditions to improve its quality and accessibility; 2) improve the collection, coordination, and dissemination of scientific and health information available via computers...(see p. 2).

"Strengthening Communities" including 1) identify key issues, create a vision for the future, and set goals and measurable benchmarks. This strategic planning process by a diverse group should identify unique local advantages and set goals to utilize them...(see p. 2-3).

"Natural Resource Stewardship" including 1) issue executive orders (at federal and state levels) for agencies to use voluntary, multi-stakeholder approaches to manage natural resources and resolve natural resource conflicts...(see p. 3).

"Population and Sustainability" including 1) move toward stabilization of the U. S. population...(see p. 3).

"Demonstrating International Leadership" including 1) lead globally in achieving sustainable development policies and adopt standards of conduct and trade policies that further sustainable development...(see p. 3).

This political statement provides the basics of the PCED's recommendations.

Keywords: President's Council on Sustainable Development