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Genetics 301 Quiz #1
Spring 2003, Class week 2

  1. A woman with blood type B marries a man with type A blood. What blood types might be observed in their children? Explain your result. (5 pts).
  2. All four blood types might be observed. The woman might be BB or BO in genotype and the man might be AA or AO in genotype. Thus, the offspring might be AO, BO, AB or OO in genotype, and A, B AB or O in blood type.

    One point deducted for each genotype not indicated as possible.


  3. Albinism (lack of pigmentation) in mice results from homozygosity for the c (recessive) allele. Such mice will be white (with pink eyes) regardless of their genotype at other genes. An independent gene, in mice with at least one copy of the C (dominant) allele, results in a black color when the B allele is present and brown color when the mice are homozygous for the b allele.
  1. What color will the F1 mice be if the parental (P1) generation were CCbb (brown) and ccBB (albino)? (2 pts.)

    All would be CcBC in genotype which would result in black color.

  2. What will be the ratio of colors of mice in the F2 generation? (3 pts)

9 Black: 3 Brown: 4 Albino

9 C-B- Black

3C-bb Brown

3ccB- Albino

1ccbb Albino