Volume 18, Issue 4
Section I: Afrocentrism: Concepts and Controversy
Africentricity: An Analysis of Two Culture Specific Instruments
Michell Myers and Vetta L. Sanders Thompson
The Functional Implications of Afrocentrism
Victor O. Okafor
The End of Africanity? The Bi-Racial Assault on Blackness
Rhett S. Jones
The Relevance of Ngugi Wa Thiong'o for the Afrocentric Quest
Ama Mazama
Section II: African American Art
"Art and Jazz Music in Motion"
The Paintings of J. Michael Howard
Section III: Cultural Diversity: Education, Race and Politics
Democracy, Diversity, and Multiculturalism in American Higher Education: Issues, Barriers, and Strategies for Change
J Blaine Hudson
The Intellectual Roots of the Controversy Around Cultural Diversity
and Political Correctness
Luke Trip
Section IV: Blacks and Jews
Hortense Powdermaker's After Freedom: Making Sense of the Conundrum of Black/Jewish Relations in American Anthropology and Society
Roland A. Foulkes
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