Volume 20, Issue 4
Transformative Leadership in the Post-Civil Rights Era: "War on Poverty" and the Emergence of African-American Municipal Political Leadership
Manley E. Banks II, Nelson Wikstrom, Michon Moon, and Joseph E. Andrews
Job Satisfaction, Commitment and Perceptions of Nigerian Journalists
Under Military Rule
Festus Eribo
Justice Thurgood Marshall: Advocate for Gender Justice
Joyce A. Baugh
Belief in the Healing Power of Prayer:
Prevalence and Health Correlates for African-Americans
Elizabeth A. Klonoff and Hope Landrine
The Relationship Between Personal Characteristics and Attitudes Toward Black and White Speakers of Informal Non-Standard English
James Adolph Robinson
The Persistent Allure of Universality:
African American Authors of White Life Novels, 1890–1945
Robert Fikes, Jr.
Book Reviews
Making Malcolm: The Myth and Meaning of Malcolm X
Author: Michael E. Dyson
Reviewed By: Andrew Smallwood
Author: Nozipo Maraire
Reviewed By: Frances Stallworth

The WJBS site is normally maintained by Tanya Gonzales. Please feel free to e-mail comments, queries, and suggestions. |
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