Volume 22, Issue 1
Yardbird Suite 1: Charlie "Yardbird" Parker (1920–1955) and the Convergence of Kansas City and New York City Nightclubs in the Birth of Bebop
Harry A. Reed
The Nation-State and Public Policy in Africa: Reconsidering the Effects of Structural Variables and Systemic Dynamics
Seth N. Asumah
Enter Womanist Theology and Ethics
Rufus Burrow, Jr.
Colorism of Black Women in News Editorial Photos
Lillie M. Fears
The Beam In Thine Own Eye: Disability and the Black Church
Sharon V. King
Slave Christianity: A Critical Feature of Black Studies History
Rupe Simms
The Three African Popes
Millicent Browne
Book Reviews
From Emerson to King: Democracy, Race, and the Politics of Protest
Author: Anita Haya Patterson
Reviewed By: Vernon J. Williams, Jr.
Dancing at the Louvre: Faith Ringgold's French Collection and
the Other Story Quilts
Authors: Dan Cameron, Richard J. Powell, Michele Wallace, Patrick Hill,
Thalia Gouma-Peterson, Moira Roth, and Ann Gibson
Reviewed By: Paula Boxie

The WJBS site is normally maintained by Tanya Gonzales. Please feel free to e-mail comments, queries, and suggestions. |
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